CBE Polska

Instal-Filter involves again to our event

InstalFilterWe are pleased to announce that Instal-Filter SA is our partner with image involvement of the 5th edition of the Forum of Biomass & Waste, which will be held on 13-14th April in Warsaw. Instal-Filter offers complex performance of investments in the field of air protection, in all industrial sectors in Poland and abroad, which are designed for individual needs of their clients. More...

New speaker for workshop about sampling alternative fuels from Hamilton confirmed

JS Hamilton150Aleksandra Majka, Audits and Implementations Specialist in J.S. Hamilton Consulting joined the group of speakers of workshop: "Sampling and testing quality of alternative fuel, waste and biomass" which will be held on 13th April 2016 in Warsaw, as a side event to 5th edition of the Forum of Biomass on Waste. Expert will speak about Due Diligence System, of which she is a co-founder, as well as audits, authentication of origin, and the new rules of documenting of biomass for energy purposes. More...

Obrót towarowy z zagranicą w nowych realiach już od maja 2016 roku!

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od 1 maja 2016 roku wejdzie w życie Unijny Kodeks Celny (UKC). Oznacza to istotne zmiany dla przedsiębiorców z szeroko pojętego sektora przemysłowego, energetycznego, paliw, gazu i chemi, którzy prowadzą handel zagraniczny. Kluczowym aspektem nowych przepisów celnych jest  funkcjonowanie handlu i procedur w systemie elektronicznym. Komunikacja pomiędzy przedsiębiorcą a organami celnymi ma się odbywać całkowicie za pomocą elektronicznych systemów.Ponadto przedsiębiorcy, którzy mają status  upoważnionego przedsiębiorcy AEO (Authorised Economic Operator) będą mogli korzystać z wielu ułatwień niedostępnych dla innych firm, jak na przykład samoobsługa celna czy odprawa scentralizowana. Dodatkowo niektóre z kryteriów sprawdzanych w procesie przyznawania świadectwa mają być także badane przy przyznawaniu pozwoleń celnych w szczególności w zakresie wszelkich pozostałych ułatwień i uproszczeń. Zatem w świetle nowych przepisów, warto będzie posiadać świadectwo AEO bowiem korzyści płynące z tego statusu będą znacznie większe niż dziś. Nowe przepisy będą dotyczyć również systemu zabezpieczeń (które mają być obligatoryjne) i procedur celnych (których klasyfikacja i zasady funkcjonowania się zmienią), a także ustalania wartości celnej. W związku z powyższym, każdy przedsiębiorca dokonujący operacji celnych powinien już dziś dokonać ich przeglądu pod kątem nadchodzących zmian. Mając na względzie ewentualne problemy branży, już dziś prezentujemy warsztaty traktujące o wprowadzonej nowelizacji: "Zmiany w zasadach obrotu towarowego z zagranicą - nowe prawo celne", które odbędą się w dniu 21 kwietnia 2016 roku w Warszawie. Więcej...

ENERGOPOMIAR cooperates with us in Forum od Biomass & Waste

ENERGOPOMIARWe are pleased to announces that ENERGOPOMIAR has joined the group of partners of the 5th Forum Biomass & Waste, which will take place on 13-14th April 2016 in Warsaw. Energopomiar provides measurement services, research and advisory services relating to processes, systems and power equipment, thermal - mechanical, chemical energy and environmental protection. Their business also includes the analysis of chemical and physicochemical properties, as well as advice on managing investment processes and modernization and service of Contract Engineer. More...

4th Smart Communications & Technology Forum in June in Warsaw

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As in
past years, we invite you to our flagship, annual event about smart grid and metering. This year the 6th Smart Communications & Technology Forum will be held on 16th
June 2016 in Warsaw. We invite you to cooperate and participate in the Forum! For the sixth time at the invitation of CBE Poland, event will guest the best specialists from Poland  the country as well as foreign partners representing the market strategic players and leading technology providers. Every year Forum collects a wide spectrum of market representatives. Since the first edition, the Forum was visited by more than 1,000 participants. More...

ANDRITZ AG become the Industrial Supplier of 5th Forum Biomass & Waste!

andritzANDRITZ AG become the first Industrial Supplier of our international conference the 5th Forum Biomass & Waste, which will take place on 13-14th April 2016 in Warsaw.  International technology Group ANDRITZ, headquartered in Graz, Austria, employs approximately 25,000 people worldwide. The ANDRITZ GROUP is a globally leading supplier of plants, equipment, and services for hydropower stations, the pulp and paper industry, the metalworking and steel industries, and solid/liquid separation in the municipal and industrial sectors. Company will introduce its offer on the exhibition stand during the Forum, will take place on 13-14th April 2016, in Warsaw. More...

JASPERS expert on the financial resources for biomass and WTE investments

Edyta Stankiewicz from JASPERS (Joint Assistance Support Projects in European Regions) joined the group of debate panellists  during the 5th Forum Biomass & Waste, which will take place on 13-14th April 2016 in Warsaw. During the panel will speak about reviewing applications for funding biomasss & waste investments. JASPERS is a joint initiative of the European Commission, the European Investment Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development aimed at improving the preparation of projects applying for funding from EU funds and EU grants. It is worth mentioning that the JASPERS experts gave their opinions, among others, projects of incinerator in Krakow and Konin.. More...

National Association of Rapeseed Producers becomes the Honorary Patron of 5th Forum of Biomass & Waste

kzprirbWe are pleased to announce that the National Association of Rapeseed Producers and Protein Plants (KZPiRB) became the Honorary Patron of the 5th edition of the Forum of Biomass & Waste, which will be held on 13-14th April in Warsaw. KZPiRB operates, among others, at rationalizing the use of agricultural biomass and biofuel production. More

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