Welcome to the annual "IV International Conference INDEX - Process and explosive safety in chemical industry", which will be held on 6-7th October 2016, in Krakow. The company CBE POLAND, as an exclusive General Partner, supports Group Wolff, both substantively and in image. The combination of competence and experience of both companies allows wider dissemination of INDEX conference and making it more inclusive to new sectors and partners. INDEX conference is a series of debates and accompanying events with participants from Poland and abroad. Every year, 150 to 200 people visits the conference. In previous three editions, a total of five hundred experts on process and explosion safety in the industry took part in the event. In addition to the lecture sessions, the conference includes also a practical demonstration of explosions of gas and dust, and the effectiveness of various types of protective systems. More...
Process and explosive safety in chemical industry
Welcome to the annual "IV International Conference INDEX - Process and explosive safety in chemical industry", which will be held on 6-7th October 2016, in Krakow. The company CBE POLAND, as an exclusive General Partner, supports Group Wolff, both substantively and in image. The combination of competence and experience of both companies allows wider dissemination of INDEX conference and making it more inclusive to new sectors and partners. INDEX conference is a series of debates and accompanying events with participants from Poland and abroad. Every year, 150 to 200 people visits the conference. In previous three editions, a total of five hundred experts on process and explosion safety in the industry took part in the event. In addition to the lecture sessions, the conference includes also a practical demonstration of explosions of gas and dust, and the effectiveness of various types of protective systems. More...
UDT took patronage of 4th seminar "Development Prospect of Cogeneration"
We are pleased to announce that the 4th edition of the seminar "Development Prospect of Cogeneration" is held under the patronage of the Office of Technical Inspection.
During the event, Andrzej Wyrwas, Senior Specialist in the Department of the Local UDT Office in Dąbrowa Górnicza will deliver a presentation on audits and ongoing technical specification for cogeneration units. More...
During the event, Andrzej Wyrwas, Senior Specialist in the Department of the Local UDT Office in Dąbrowa Górnicza will deliver a presentation on audits and ongoing technical specification for cogeneration units. More...
Już od 1 sierpnia 2016 roku obowiązuje tzw. "Pakiet paliwowy"
Prezydent podpisał tak zwany "Pakiet paliwowy" (nowelizację ustaw: o VAT i akcyzie, Prawa energetycznego oraz ustawy o zapasach paliw). Nowelizacja zaczyna obowiązywać od 1 sierpnia 2016 r. i ma na celu ograniczenie zakresu patologii i szarej strefy na rynku paliw płynnych. Po zmianach obowiązek zapłaty podatku VAT z tytułu wewnątrzwspólnotowego nabycia paliw płynnych zasadniczo będzie powstawał w ciągu 5 dni od momentu wprowadzenia paliwa do kraju. Podstawą naliczania podatku będzie aktualna cena paliwa, ogłaszana w Biuletynie Informacji Publicznej resortu finansów. Prezes Agencji Rezerw Materiałowych będzie też raz na kwartał informować prezesa URE o umowach zawieranych przez przedsiębiorców, a dotyczących zapasów obowiązkowych. Ponadto według nowych zasad koncesje na obrót paliwami z zagranicą będą przyznawane wyłącznie "podmiotom mającym siedzibę w Polsce lub przedsiębiorstwom zagranicznym, które zarejestrowały oddział w naszym kraju i za jego pośrednictwem będą wprowadzać do Polski paliwa płynne". W związku z powyższym, prezentujemy Państwu specjalistyczne szkolenie: : "Pakiet paliwowy i Pakiet energetyczny III. Zmiany zasad obrotu paliwami ciekłymi od 2016 r", które odbędzie się w dniu 25 sierpnia 2016 roku. Więcej...
Electricity and heat production in the Waste-water Treatment Plant Warta SA in Czestochowa during our seminar
Dr. Adam Dużyński from the Institute of Thermal Engineering at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science at University of Czestochowa, is the speaker of 4th edition of our Seminar "Development Prospect of Cogeneration", which will be held on 24th August 2016.
He will give a case study type lecture about 60 000 hours of industrial exploitation of the biogas cogeneration unit with the GE Jenbacher JMS 316 GS-B.LC engine in the "Sewage Treatment Plant Warta SA" in Czestochowa.. More...
He will give a case study type lecture about 60 000 hours of industrial exploitation of the biogas cogeneration unit with the GE Jenbacher JMS 316 GS-B.LC engine in the "Sewage Treatment Plant Warta SA" in Czestochowa.. More...
IV edycja Seminarium "Czynniki rozwoju inwestycji kogeneracyjnych"
We invite you to participate in the 4th edition of our Seminar "Development Prospect of Cogeneration" which will be held on August 24th, 2016 in Warsaw, in the CHP "Siekierki" conference centre. The Strategic Partner of the event is the company PGNiG TERMIKA.
Seminar, as previous editions, will have the lectures and discussion character. The experts will discuss the possibility of investing in all types of cogeneration. During the meeting, speakers will include experts from the largest energy companies and local businesses, as well as companies cooperating with them. Chaired the meeting will analyze the profitability of the construction and modernization of individual plants, taking into account, inter alia their size, location and selected technologies and comment on the impact of support schemes for the development of CHP and also pay attention to how to read forecasts estimating the time of return on investment in the face of the future implementation of capacity market. More...
Seminar, as previous editions, will have the lectures and discussion character. The experts will discuss the possibility of investing in all types of cogeneration. During the meeting, speakers will include experts from the largest energy companies and local businesses, as well as companies cooperating with them. Chaired the meeting will analyze the profitability of the construction and modernization of individual plants, taking into account, inter alia their size, location and selected technologies and comment on the impact of support schemes for the development of CHP and also pay attention to how to read forecasts estimating the time of return on investment in the face of the future implementation of capacity market. More...
Ministerstwo Energii rozpoczęło konsultacje w sprawie stworzenia polskiego rynku mocy
Wczoraj w siedzibie Ministerstwa Energii rozpoczęły się konsultacje nad projektem założeń dotyczących stworzenia rynku mocy w Polsce. W spotkaniu wzięli udział również pracownicy firmy CBE Polska. Podczas konferencji minister Krzysztof Tchórzewski zapowiedział, że projekt ustawy w sprawie rynku mocy ma być gotowy jeszcze w tym roku, tak aby nowe rozwiązania zaczęły obowiązywać od 2017 r. Stworzenie rynku mocy ma zapewnić bezpieczeństwo energetyczne naszego kraju, czyli ciągłość i niezawodność zasilania - stwierdził Tchórzewski. Obecnie trwają konsultacje nad założeniami projektu.
Ferry Cserèp: "In the majority of countries regulations are always too late - technology pushes boundaries, enforcing development."
The debate about smart grid/metering in Poland has been going on for years now. The lack of transparent and complete legislative policy in that area, makes any potential investors in “smart” industry weary and overly cautious. Polish energy market has an immense potential for “smart” technologies and solutions, unfortunately, the Energy Law in Poland hasn’t still removed a number of obstacles in reference to the implementation of certain fundamental elements of “smart” infrastructure, specifically regarding “smart metering” technology - these were some of the conclusions derived from the discussions during 6th edition of Smart Communications and Technology Forum, held in Warsaw on 16th of June, 2016. During the Forum, amongst other topics, experts have analysed the commercial aspects of “smart” solutions implementation and the role of government incentive. According to dr Tomasza Kowalak: „The long-term calculations seem to justify investments in the AMI infrastructure, regardless of the legal ramifications, and regulatory incentives. This is one of those investments that ensures return. Regulator could only provide certain overall support of the process...”. Tomasz Piasecki from ENERGA Operator SA commented that: „In 2009-2010 Energa developed a study to analyse technological and commercial profitability of AMI systems, and the conclusion was clear – the investment is sound and even without any additional support from government related agencies will guarantee a handsome return. Though additional support would certainly be stimulating and welcomed.” Ferry Cserep, CEO of NETINIUM added that: „In the majority of countries regulations are always too late – technology pushes boundaries, enforcing development”. Exactly for that reason, the Regulatory Administration in the Netherlands has temporarily limited and minimized a number of crucial regulations to create a friendly environment for companies to test and pilot new technologies, and verify their effectiveness. More
Belektron is the partner of October's "Emission & Energy Trading Summit"
Slovenian company Belektron will be the Industrial Supplier and Lunch Sponsor of 5th "Emission & Energy Trading Summit", which is scheduled for 26th October 2016, in Warsaw. Belektron is one of the biggest and well-established CO2 emission trading company with its main focus on carbon emission allowances, operating on the market since 2008. They are a member of ICE and EEX stock exchange - being also EEX official market maker. We had cooperated with Belektron during the first and second edition of this event. More...
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