II edition of the Seminar "Energy from waste. Investments, fuels, technologies" 25th March 2014, Warsaw
8:00 - 9:20 |
Morning coffee, registration of participants
Introduction to the seminar by moderator - Krzysztof Kawczyński, Chairman of the Committee for Environmental Protection, Polish Chamber of Commerce (PCC), Poland |
BLOCK I: Investments - regulatory environment, determinants, barriers and development stimulation
9:20 - 9:50 |
Current Developments in EU Waste Policy: Implementation and Review
- Trends, opportunities and challenges in waste management in Europe
- Overview of EU targets related to waste and outlook into future EU waste policy developments
- Projections of municipal waste management in the EU and associated GHG emissions
- Review of the Waste Framework Directive and of the European Waste Catalogue
Speaker: Karolina D'Cunha (Fras), Team Leader, European Commission, DG Environment Directorate A Green Economy, Unit A2 Waste Management & Recycling, Belgium |
9:50 - 10:20 |
Initiative of the Ministry of the Environment regarding the National Waste Management Plan, in particular the possibility of their use for energy production purposes
- The hierarchy of waste management practices
- The main problems identified in the municipal waste management
- Directions of activities
Legal and organizational framework of the new financial perspective 2014-2020
- The European Parliament and the Council (EU) regulation from 17 December 2013, no 1303/2013
- Partnership agreement
- Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment 2014-2020 and the Regional Operational Programmes (line of demarcation)
- The criteria ex-ante conditionality in waste management
- The main EC recommendations on the field of municipal waste management
Place of waste incineration in the target municipal waste management system
- Share of the different methods in municipal waste management
- Role of a waste incineration plants
- Necessary conditions for the construction and operation of advanced installation
- Estimates of the necessary size of the area served by incineration plant
- Proceedings with remnants of the thermal transformation of waste to energy
Speaker: Dr inż. Beata Kłopotek, Advisor to the Minister, Polish Ministry of Environment |
10:20 - 11:00 |
Coffee break |
11:00 - 12:20 |
Panel debate: The potential use of waste for the energy production in heating and energy sector
- Polish market specifity - state of waste use, potential, possibilities
- The use and testing of alternative fuels in the Polish enterprises
- Cement sector experiences
- Development and maturity of waste of energy purposes use market at Polish neighbours
- Best practices - which investors experiences are worth using?
- Available technologies and fuels
- Benefits and problems associated with the co-firing
- Choosing the most appropriate technology for today´s markets
- Energy-from-Waste in established European markets
Moderator: Marta Gurin, Scientific and Technical Officer, Confederation of European Waste-to-Energy Plants (CEWEP), Belgium
- Johan Bonnier, Managing Director at Intermunicipal Corporation for Public Health in South West Flanders (IMOG), Representative of Belgian Waste-to-Energy Association (BW2E), Belgium
- Krzysztof Kawczyński, Chairman of the Committee for Environmental Protection, Polish Chamber of Commerce (PCC), Poland
- Jacek Skalski, President of the Board, Municipal Waste Management Department in Konin, Poland - implementing the project of construction the waste incineration plant
- Adam Palacz, Director, Strategic Projects Development, Dalkia Polska S.A/ Veolia Offer, Poland
- Karolina D'Cunha (Fras), Team Leader, European Commission, DG Environment Directorate A Green Economy, Unit A2 Waste Management & Recycling, Belgium
- Maciej Krzyczkowski, General Directorate for Environmental Protection (GDEP), Poland
- Tomasz Uciński, President of Municipal Services Company in Koszalin, President of the National Chamber of Waste Management, Poland
- Per Lindgren, Manager Działu sprzedaży, Götaverken Miljö AB, Sweden
- Ole Morten Petersen, Managing Director, DAKOFA, Denmark
BLOCK II: Example of good practice vs. the best available technologies and solutions
12:20 - 12:50 |
Seminar Partner's speech: Cross Wrap Oy Ltd Waste management solutions for Poland
Speaker: Heikki Jyrkinen, Sales Manager, Cross Wrap Oy Ltd
, Finland |
12:50 - 13:20
Case study: Making the cycle based waste management system work The Waste-to-Energy Agency (EGE) produces environmentally friendly energy from waste. Residual waste becomes light and heat at the two energy recovery plants: Klemetsrud and Haraldrud in Oslo. The agency is under the supervision of the Norway Department of Environmental Affairs and Transport. EGE builded new CHP plant in 2011 which has a budget of € 330M. The capacity of the new unit is 160,000 tonnes/year, producing 55.4 MW heat and 10.5 MW electricity
- The use of waste in heating sector. The investment in the formula of partnership entities
- Investment regulatory environment
- Type, value and financing of investments
- Cooperation of local authorities, investors – range and formula
- Choosing the technology, expertise
- Aims and objectives of the project
- Mileage, implementation and evaluation of investment made
- Progress, completion and evaluation of investment made
Speaker: Johnny Stuen, Technical Director, Oslo Energigjenvinningsetaten, Klemetsrud WTE plant, Norway |
13:20 - 13:50 |
Seminar Partner's speech: Valmet Valmet solutions for energy from waste
Speaker: Frank Ligthart, Sales Director CEE, Valmet Power, Finland |
13:50 - 14:50 |
Lunch |
14:50 - 15:20
Case study: Waste-to-Energy, Heat Generation Uppsala, Vattenfall AB, Sweden A significant share of energy from waste in the energy balance of the city of Uppsala. The plant generates energy, warmth and coolness to the municipal system, air conditioning and process steam. To Waste-to-energy plant Uppsala goes municipal waste of radius 100 km, as well as municipal waste imported from Finland, Norway and England. The choice of combustion technology is based on conventional grate furnaces with a water jacket. Speaker: Włodzimierz Winkler, Manager Electrical Plants, Heat Generation Uppsala, Vattenfall AB, Sweden |
15:20 - 15:50 |
Seminar Partner's speech: CNIM CNIM experience in the thermal conversion of municipal waste - RDF - sewage sludge - medical waste.
Speaker: Dr Ryszard Strzelecki, advisor of company CNIM in the field of Waste to Energy projects |
15:50 - 16:20
Case study: High efficiency in a W-T-E plant. The experience in Brescia.
Speaker: Lorenzo Zaniboni, Director, A2A Waste to Energy, Italy |
16:10 - 16:30 |
Formulation of seminar proposals; summary of events by the Moderator.
End of Seminar |