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Marta Gurin, Scientific and Technical Officer, Confederation of European Waste-to-Energy Plants (CEWEP), Belgium Marta Gurin is the Technical and Scientific Officer at CEWEP – Confederation of European Waste-to-Energy Plants. Her field of responsibility includes environmental assessment of waste management systems (such as Life Cycle Assessment), energy resources and climate protection, as well as technical aspects of Waste-to-Energy technology. Marta Gurin joined CEWEP following an internship in the European Commission DG Energy where her work was focused on energy efficiency. She holds a degree in Environmental Engineering from the faculty of Environmental Engineering in Warsaw University of Technology, Poland. |
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Krzysztof Kawczyński, Chairman of the Committee for Environmental Protection, Polish Chamber of Commerce (PCC), Poland Msc Engineer, specializing in organization and management and waste management. Graduated in the Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanics and Technology, Institute of Organization and Management (1984), as well as Pedagogical Vocational Education (1983) and the Institute of Social Psychology (1984). Moreover had completed specialized courses for executives of companies and qualifying course to participate in the supervisory boards of state-owned companies. Since his graduation professionally associated with private enterprise, including the establishment and operation of waste management companies. Many years of experience in management and corporate restructuring (eg. AGATOM SERVICE, MAZOWIECKIE RECYCLING ASSOCIATION , AG - COMPLEX SYSTEM POLISH RECYCLING - ORGANIZATION OF RECOVERY). He specializes in the optimization of waste management systems, including the implementation of new and effective organizational and technological solutions. Experience in waste management planning and construction projects waste treatment facilities, especially in installations for the recovery and recycling of waste. Activity in the chambers of commerce and trade associations related to waste management, including the National Chamber of Commerce - Committee for Environmental Protection. Journalistic activity and publishing in trade press. He participated in many industry conferences, including as a lecturer. Participation in various advisory bodies and opinion formers. |
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Dr. Eng. Beata Kłopotek, Advisor to the Minister, Ministry of Environment Doctor of technical sciences, graduated on the Faculty of Chemistry on Warsaw University of Technology, in 1986-1998 was the researcher at the Prof. I. Moscicki Institute of Industrial Chemistry in Warsaw, and from 1999 worked at the Ministry of Environment (formerly Ministry of Environmental Protection, Natural Resources and Forestry) from the position of chief specialist of the department to the position of Director. She deals with the issues of waste management. She coordinated the preparation of the national waste management plans, starting from the first National Waste Management Plan (in 2002) by his first (in 2006) and the second update (in 2010). In 1999-2011 she was actively involved in the legislative work on draft laws and regulations (including the Waste Act, the Act on packaging and packaging waste, the law on vehicles recycling on end of their life, the law on waste electrical and electronic equipment, the Law on batteries and accumulators, the Law on mining waste and the regulations issued pursuant to the authorization contained therein), including in the preparation of draft legislation. She supervised the preparation of Polish positions to the draft of new directives. Currently she is dealing with issues related to the financing of investments in waste management, including the new financial perspective 2014-2020. In addition, she is participating in the work of the Working Group on resource productivity and waste of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). She was the speaker at national and international conferences and author of numerous publications in the field of waste management. |
Johnny Stuen, Technical Director, Oslo Energigjenvinningsetaten, Klemetsrud WTE Plant, Norway Johnny Stuen from 2012 is Technical Director at Oslo Energigjenvinningsetaten in Klemetsrud WTE Plant, Norway. He is responsible for projects in waste to energy, waste sorting and biogas. Also rebuilding, changing and improving excisting plants, as well as the new plants. From 2007 till 2012 was the Director of production and did a strategic and tactical work to change the industry from public services to more industrialized way of working. He was also responsible for organisation, framework, cooperation and benchmarking with international colleagues. He received a master's degree in Telemark College of Engineering with a specialization in the process (operations and automation). He speaks in all Scandinavian languages, English and German. |
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Johan Bonnier, Managing Director at Intermunicipal Corporation for Public Health in South West Flanders (IMOG), Representative of Belgian Waste-to-Energy Association (BW2E), Belgium Johan Bonnier is a Generel Director at Imog - Intermunicipal Society for Public Health in South West Flanders in Belgium. His main activities are : engineering of waste facilities and management, waste collection systems, public waste collection, treatment and communication. He has joined the company in 1991, before he worked as a technical support engineer in foreign countries in a company Picanol. Mr Bonnier is a member of following professional associations: President at BVDA - confederation of the Flemish landfill owners and recycling plants; Vice-president at Interafval - Confederation of public waste collectors and waste treaters; member of several working groups at CEWEP - Confederation of European Waste-to-Energy Plants and at ISWA - International Solid Waste Association. Johan Bonnier has an Ing. Msc degree and postgraduate diploma in business administration and health and safety management. He speaks in 4 languages: Dutch, French, English and German. |
Jacek Skalski, President of the Board, Municipal Waste Management Department in Konin, Poland - implementing the project of construction the waste incineration plant | |
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Włodzimierz Winkler, Manager Electrical Plants, Heat Generation Uppsala, Vattenfall AB, Sweden Włodzimierz T. Winkler has 30 years experience in the Swedish energy sector. From 2013 year is Manager Electrical Plants Uppsala, Vattenfall AB Heat Sweden responsible for the planning of the Major Overhaul and Tender evaluation and contract finalization with the selected EPC-contractor. Also is on position of Project Manager in Gas Turbine, Gotland Sweden. Has a wide experience as a teacher and advisor. He was lecturer on several seminars e.g.for IKKU/BUDIME, Polish – Swedish Seminar on Utilization of Municipal Solid Waste in the Heat and Power Sector - Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. He has Master of Science Electrical Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology. |
Adam Palacz, Director, Strategic Projects Development, Dalkia Polska S.A/ Veolia Offer, Poland Adam Palacz is graduated from the Institute of Political Studies in Paris. In 2003 he had a year training in the Sales Department of Veolia Water. In 2004-2006 he worked as a Project Manager of device management. From 2006 to 2009 he worked at PEC Września S.A as General Manager and as Chairman of the Board. Then in 2009-2012 he was Director of Operations and Development, and a member of the Board of Dalkia Term SA. In 2012, he was the Sales Manager at Babcock & Wilcox Vølund. |
Karolina D'Cunha (Fras), Team Leader, European Commission, DG Environment Directorate A Green Economy, Unit A2 Waste Management & Recycling, Belgium Karolina D’Cunha is a Team Leader within the Waste Management Unit of Directorate General Environment of the EU Commission. She has been working on waste policies for over nine years now. During her career in DG Environment, she has been responsible for several environmental dossiers. On behalf of the Commission, in 2008 Karolina was negotiating with the European Parliament and the Council the revision of the Waste Framework Directive - the cornerstone piece of European legislation on waste. In 2009, she has taken over the managerial position in the Unit, supervising the implementation of waste legislation including legislation on waste electrical and electronic equipment, end-of-life vehicles, packaging, batteries, bio-waste, sewage sludge, hazardous waste. She is now leading and coordinating the work of the team responsible for the implementation of the Waste Framework Directive and several other pieces of European waste legislation. Karolina is a frequent speaker at meetings and conferences devoted to various aspects of waste management. She gave numerous speeches and presentations concerning waste management policies and legislation in the European Union and coordinated the publication of several Commission directives, decisions and reports on waste. |
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Lorenzo Zaniboni, Director, A2A Waste to Energy, Italy Born in 1963, Lorenzo Zaniboni graduated in engineering from the Polytechnic Institute of Milano in 1987. Right afterwards he joined ASM S.p.A., the public utility of the Municipality of Brescia, which supplied the town with electricity, gas, water, district heating and cooling and provided the services of waste disposal and recovery. At present, he is responsible for the “WTE plants division” of A2A Ambiente S.p.A, a company of the group A2A, which is the multi utility company created in 2008 as a result of the merging of the public utilities of Brescia (ASM S.p.A) and Milano (AEM S.p.A). |
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Maciej Krzyczkowski, Chief Specialist for Eco-Management, General Directorate for Environmental Protection (GDEP), Poland On behalf of the General Directorate of Environmental Protection, Maciej Krzyczkowski is responsible for the eco-management and audit system (EMAS) in Poland. He is Experienced specialist of environmental management systems and waste management. |
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Heikki Jyrkinen, Sales Manager, Cross Wrap Oy Ltd
, Finland Heikki Jyrkinen from May 2012 is Sales Manager at Cross Wrap Oy Ltd . From January 1999 till April 2012 was Sales Manager at Samesor Oy. He is a frequent speaker at meetings, seminars and conferences. |
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Tomasz Uciński, President of Municipal Services Company in Koszalin, President of the National Chamber of Waste Management, Poland is the Director of Municipal Services Company based in Koszalin. Managing the company since 1989, graduated from the School of Engineering at the Faculty of Civil and Sanitary thesis on migration of pollutants in municipal waste landfills and post-graduate studies at the University of Economics in Wroclaw. Also holds the position of President of the National Chamber of Waste Management. |
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Frank Ligthart, Sales Director CEE, Valmet Power, Finland Frank Ligthart is Sales Director at Valmet Power responsible for the sale of complete systems and market development in Central and Eastern Europe. He has 18 years experience in the energy and industry involved in obtaining energy from waste. Before joining the Valmet company in 2006, he worked in positions related to sales in different companies producing boilers: in the Netherlands, the United States and Finland. He received a master's degree in Mechanical Engineering from Delft University of Technology with a specialization in the design of the plant. |
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Per Lindgren, Sales Manager at Götaverken Miljö , Götaverken Miljö AB, Sweden Graduated as Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering in 1981. Joined Götaverken Miljö in 1989 and has since then been working with flue gas treatment and energy recovery systems. He has since 2003 held the position as Manager of the Sales Department. |
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Ole Morten Petersen, Managing Director, DAKOFA, Denmark Since 2012, Petersen has had the privilege of being head of the hard-working secretariat of DAKOFA including the day-to-day responsibility for services to the 250 members of the Centre. Earlier, for eleven years he had the overall managerial responsibility for operation and administration of Bofa; During most of his years at Bofa they succeeded in reducing fees due to more efficient operation and administration; at the same time, Bofa was awarded as “The Most Inclusive Company of the Year on Bornholm” in 2004 and nominated for “The Company of the Year” nationwide in 2008. In the years 1996–2001 he worked as Project manager in RenoSam (now Danish Waste Management Association). In the years 1993–1996 he was Project manager in Environmental Division of I/S Amagerforbrænding, an incineration plant in Copenhagen. Petersen graduated Diploma degree in Management, Metropolitan University College (2009–2011), Relevant courses, conferences, seminars, etc. concerning waste and environment as well as management and organisation (1993–2009) and Master of Science, Environmental Planning from Roskilde University, Department of Environmental, Social and Spatial Change (1984–1992). |
Dr. Ryszard Strzelecki, is advisor of company CNIM in the field of Waste to Energy projects. He is a specialist for the environmental protection, such as waste management, surface contamination of land and environmental management. He conducts researches at the Polish Geological Institute in Warsaw. |