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The Waste-to-Energy Research and Technology Council (WTERT) brings together engineers, scientists and managers from universities and industry. The mission of WTERT is to identify and advance the best available waste-to-energy (WTE) technologies for the recovery of energy or fuels from municipal solid wastes and other industrial, agricultural, and forestry residues. In particular, WTERT strives to increase the global recovery of energy and materials from used solids and to advance the economic and environmental performance of waste-to-energy (WTE) technologies in the U.S. and worldwide. |
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Ogólnopolska Izba Gospodarcza Recyklingu (eng. Polish Commerce Chamber of Recycling) was registered 25.11.1999 and currently has over 100 members (active and passive) - mostly small and medium-sized businesses and organizations. The main tasks of OIGR include: representing the interests of businesses and associated economic self against government administration; actions to protect the environment through: striving to establish a nationwide system for collecting waste for recycling, the method of financing the development of selective waste collection, a nationwide public education in the field of protection of the environment with particular emphasis on waste management and cooperation between regional and national economic policies for recovery and recycling of waste, taking part in the work of the state administration sectors, local government institutions and consultative advisory and legislative initiatives, with particular reference to waste management and also encouraging members of chamber in the country and abroad through exhibitions, fairs, shows, seminars etc.; fulfilling functions of service, information and advisory to members of OIGR. Basic targets of OIGR are: co-creation and implementation of national and regional programs raising environmental awareness, supporting companies in the waste sector, representation of the interests of the companies involved in the collection and recycling of waste to state and local government bodies and other institutions, which affect the operating conditions associated in the Chamber of operators, increasing reliability of OIGR and associated companies and improving their image, protecting the environment through proper waste management, including minimizing the amount of waste sent to landfill, reducing the consumption of natural resources through the use of waste as raw materials for further production, using the latest techniques in order to reduce emissions and preventing the creation of pollution. |
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Krajowe Forum Dyrektorów Zakładów Oczyszczania Miast (eng. National Forum of Directors from Municipal Service Institutions) is a nationwide association of heads from urban cleaning and waste management companies , companies producing equipment and communal facilities, as well as companies working for the municipal administration. Association was founded in September 1992 in Zielona Góra. Members - founders of teh association were directors from 38 municipal service institutions from provincial cities. Currently, the ranks of the association of the assoctiation counts 162 ordinary members (directors, v-ce directors) i 105 supporting members - almost all bigest Polish urban cleaning and waste management companies covering about 75% of the domestic market. The Association works closely with approximately 120-tu domestic and foreign companies working for our industry. Main task of the association is to integrate urban cleaning and waste management companies, actions to allow flow of information about functioning of companies operating in different jurisdictions, promoting and disseminating new, standardized, proven technical, technological and financial organizations, creating conditions for the exchange of experiences in the field of urban cleaning, waste management, waste of raw materials, environmental protection and environmental education. An important task of Krajowe Forum Dyrektorów is to create a specialized, industry, advisory opinion of the representation to the government, and local government administration. |
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Energy Conservation Foundation was established in 1992. It is a non-profit organization and a Business Environment Institution which focuses its efforts on issues related to energy efficiency. The Foundation actively supports activities aimed at reducing energy consumption and developing renewable energy sources. |
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Institute of Environmental Protection exists since 1986. We received the status of a National Research Institute (PIB) in 2010. - The Regulation of the Council of Ministers of 13 September 2010 on the giving Institute of Environmental Protection in Warsaw to the status of National Research Institute (OJ No 172, poz. 1165). We are pleased to inform that in 2010 the Institute was awarded category 1 (recently A) by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education as a result of parametric evaluation of activities over the years 2005-2009 - Announcement No 19 of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 30 September 2010 on the established categories of units. IOSŚ KolektorskaOur Institute has been providing comprehensive research and advisory-expert services in the field of environmental protection for many years. We have a significant and recognized achievements in this area. |
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The mission of the Inspekcja Ochrony Środowiska (Environmental Protection Inspectorate) is to control operatorsso that the use of the environment was held in compliance with generally accepted accounting principles and standards in this area, monitoring and assessment of the environment and to provide the public and of public information on the environment. In line with the vision - Inspection is a modern, professionally managed public institution,provides the tools to conduct effective environmental policy , expressed concern about the state of the environment for present and future generations. |
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By relating to great academic traditions, such as seeking the truth, respect for knowledge and skills, reliable spreading of the above, open-mindedness towards new ideas, respecting the dignity and civil rights of all people and also respecting the academic freedom, the Cracow University of Technology:
By realising its goals the University of Technology Works towards creating a national, European and global space for research and education. It thrives towards interdisciplinary studies and research, combining technical science with mathematical, environmental, economical, legal and social sciences, using information technologies. It develops the ability to self-educate in students, giving them a good basis for work on the modern market, arising with the development of civilization. The society of the University of Technology, consisting of students, academic staff and graduates takes it as a key responsibility to show respect for their University and fighting all signs of evil and wrongness. It sees the feeling of community as the highest asset, by also respecting individual views, rights and aspirations of all the members. By that it builds a good name for the University, strengthens the academic code. |
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Instytut Ekologii Terenów Uprzemysłowionych w Katowicach (Institute for Ecology of Industrial Areas in Katowice) works in the field of environmental protection, environmental health and sustainable development. Activitity include the following areas of study: biological sciences, chemical sciences, economic sciences, mathematical sciences, health sciences, earth sciences, forestry science, engineering sciences. Main tasks of IETU are scientific research and development, implementation and dissemination of their results and educational activities in the field of ecology and design environment. Activities in the field of research and development work of the Institute includes: sustainable development; environmental protection and the management of its resources; eco-innovation support including environmental technology verification; the methodology of research in the field of conservation and environmental engineering; quality and the environment, in particular with regard to areas heavily urbanized and industrialized areas of environmental threats and modern methods of environmental quality management. Furthermore, IETU carries out activities in the field of communication and education for sustainable development, rganizes and runs the secretariat of the Minister of the Environment Competition: "Leader of Polish Ecology”, leads activities, including education and training, for the development of scientific, technical and R & D engineering and technical research institutions;collaborates with academic institutions and research institutions and other entities, develop expertise, opinions and assessments of the state of the environment and performs other tasks assigned by the regulatory body. |
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Polska Izba Gospodarcza (Polish Chamber of Commerce) "Ekorozwój" is an organization of economic autonomy associating: natural and legal persons engaged in business activities social organizations, associations, government organizations and foundations. The Chamber operates throughout the whole country and abroad. The main objectives of the operation of the Chamber are: representing the business interests of its members in the ecological field in their manufacturing, service and trade business, to public bodies and national and international organizations, as well as undertaking activities to develop their economic relations with foreign countries, shaping and promoting professional ethics in economic activity in the context of sustainable development, promoting ecological solutions in the country and abroad and providing training in the field of ecology. |
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Stowarzyszenie Polskich Energetyków SPE (eng. Polish Association of Power Engineers) exist from 1996. Now it is a nationwide association, has 17 branches in the country and has more than 2,000 members, professionals of all sectors of power: power engineers, heat engineers and gas industry. As stated statutory SPE is a voluntary, self-governing permanent association of science and technology aimed at developing and promoting initiatives, attitudes and actions conducive to the development of the Polish energy sector, the rational use of fuels: solid, liquid, gas and energy: electricity and heat and supporting organizational and physical, natural and legal persons to take such action. SPE implemets following tasks: initiating and promoting the best technical solutions in Polish energy, rational and efficient use of energy and fuels, supporting and promoting innovative solutions in all disciplines of production, transmission, distribution, supply and use of energy and fuels and related areas, promotion of energy-efficient equipment and economic investment solutions, promoting energy solutions to protect the environment, enhance and disseminate knowledge in the field of innovative solutions for production, transmission, distribution, supply and use of energy and fuel, protect the interests of producers, distributors and users of fuels and energy, and manufacturers of energy-using equipment and fuel, initiating and supporting creativity in science and technology in all sectors of energy, impact on quality of products, materials, and energy services, to popularize the safe operation of equipment, installation and energy networks, improvement of professional skills and shaping their professional power engineers, integrating environment and development ties camaraderie, promote European integration and the development of contacts and cooperation between communities. One of the SPE activities is also exchange of views and sharing achievements and intentions among energy experts. |
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The Waste-to-Energy Research and Technology Council (WTERT) brings together engineers, scientists and managers from universities and industry. The mission of WTERT council is to identify the best available technologies for the treatment of various waste materials, conduct additional academic research as required, and disseminate this information by means of its publications, the WTERT web, and annual meetings. In particular, WTERT strives to increase the global recovery of energy and materials from used solids and to advance the economic and environmental performance of waste-to-energy (WTE) technologies in the U.S. and worldwide. The guiding principle is that responsible management of wastes must be based on science and best available technology and not what seems to be inexpensive now but can be very costly in the near future. |
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Stowarzyszenie Polskich Przedsiębiorców Gospodarki Odpadami (Association of Polish Waste Management Entrepreneurs) was registered in April 2000. The aim of the Association is to support the development of Polish enterprises in waste management; projects development designed for development of Polish companies dealing with waste disposal; promoting knowledge, research and practice in the field of waste management; to inspire actions leading to waste management; to help Polish small and medium-sized enterprises in the field of waste management in the operation of a free market economy; to create a system of financial support for the Polish waste management companies; to have education and training activity; preparing speeches, questions and petitions to the authorities of the state administration and self-governments; creation of a joint lobbying for Polish waste management companies; to represent the Polish waste management companies from all the administrations and authorities;cooperation with similar institutions activities, including international cooperation. |
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Szczecin City Council is a budget unit and organization, with the help of which the President shall perform the tasks in the field of public administration, due to the city's own tasks, tasks assigned by operation of law or assumed by the City as a result of agreements with government agencies and local government. |
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President of Capital City Warsaw is the executive body - performs the municipal and county own tasks belonging to the competence, tasks assigned by the central government, including the tasks arising from the nature of the capital City of Warsaw and the tasks arising from agreements concluded with local government units. Duties of the President include: implementing the resolutions of the City Council and tasks defined by law, in particular: preparation of draft of Council City resolutions; City property management; implementation of the City's budget; representing the city outside; managing the daily affairs of the City; responsibility for the proper financial management of the City as part of the budget of the City Mayor. |
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Lodz University of Technology is a public higher education institution of national and international renown educating first-class specialists for knowledge-based economy. The University is where science and economy come together, where innovative solutions readily transferrable to industry are developed. TUL, the proud recipient of the National Leader of Innovation and Leader in Innovative Technologies awards, has had one of the highest number of patent applications and patents granted. It’s fourth technical university in Poland in the Best Technical University category in the Perspektywy magazine and Rzeczpospolita newspaper university ranking. TUL has been listed on the prestigious 2013 Forbes Diamonds list as the only university in Lodz among many businesses. Over 20 000 students are enrolled in 36 degree programmes. Lodz University of Technology was awarded the prestigious ECTS Label and DS Label by the European Commission. For years, TUL has been involved in the issues of waste incineration. In 1993, 1995 and 1997, the Faculty of Process and Environmental Engineering hosted the conference "Incineration of waste - technologies and problems”. |