CBE Polska

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V edition of Workshop
White certificates according to the new executive regulation
5th December 2012, Warsaw, Poland

coffecup_male 8:30 - 9:00 Registration of participants, morning coffee
Block I: Energy efficiency Directive and National level of obligation
coffe cup_male 9:00 - 9:15 Introduction to the White Certificate System and Efficiency policy

Directive about Energy efficiency dated to 23.06.2011 r. – the most important issues
The directive introduces the obligation of implementation of efficiency actions regarding energy management including modernization of public administration buildings, better energy management by distributors and suppliers and obligatory audit for corporates.
coffe cup_male 9:15 - 9:45 National legal bases such as novelization of the Law of Energy Efficiency and the newest executive regulations in force and the newest regulations

Defining national purpose in accordance to energy saving management:
  • a level of national obligation,
  • responsibilities of particular units regarding improvement of energy efficiency,
  • kto może skorzystać z systemu wsparcia – kwalifikacja podmiotowa i przedmiotowa,
  • odbiorca końcowy i grupa odbiorców jako beneficjenci systemu bialych certyfikatów.
Block II: Tendering
coffe cup_male 9:45 - 11:15

Efficiency tendering – rules of choosing energy save ventures including the rules attached in the regulation project regarding preparation and procedures of tendering:

At lease once per year the President of Energy Regulatory Office will be organizing a tendering for obtaining emission rights for certain number of certificates. Each of investors/participants of the tendering will apply with an offer. In the offer there will be included the information about the number of certificates a unit would like to obtain in the audit. Tenderings will take place in 3 areas: final use, transmission and distribution as well as system production. During the lecture we will concentrate on the particiular elements of the process:

  • required documents,
  • sample of tendering declaration,
  • rules of taking part in a tendering,
  • what do you need for tendering?- the types of energy saving ventures
coffecup_male 11:15 - 11:45 Coffee Break
coffe cup_male 11:45 - 13:00

White certificates - who, when, how much?:

  • Model wsparcia – ile bialych certyfikatów
  • Conditions for obtaining white certificates
  • "Types" of white certificates
  • ile można uzyskać?
  • wartość bialego certyfikatu
  • prawa majątkowe wynikające z bialych certyfikatów
  • obrót bialymi certyfikatami
13:00 - 14:00 Lunch
Block III: Audit
coffe cup_male 14:00 - 14:30

"White support" for industrial companies- more beneficial than white certificate -opportunities to decrease energy costs.

A company interested in assets such as white certificates should recognize the potential of energy efficiency included in functioning installation and planned modernization/investment. To make that happen there is needed an audit defining possible savings ex-ante as well as the time of obtaining such. According to the system an audit must be completed regarding „basic requirements” of energy audit that are defined in the executive regulation of Ministry of Economy

coffe cup_male 14:30 - 15:00

The rules of energy efficiency audits- types of audits and verification in light of executive regulations in force.

The executive regulations of Minister of Economy about procedures of energy efficiency audit, the sample of audit card and methods od energy savings accounting

  • methods of energy efficiency audit
  • types of audits
  • data collection and methods for savings accounting
  • audit verification
  • ways of energy efficiency valuation
coffe cup_male 15:00 - 15:30

"Auditor" of energy efficiency - freelance profession

On 10 October 2012 the Parliament decided to change a law about energy efficiency , that terminates the regulations according to the profession of energy efficiency auditor. The change prepared by Ministry of Economy cancels the regulations defining requirements that should be completed by a person that wants t be an auditor. At the same time the novelization cancels other regulations connected to the profession of auditor and related with the obligation of civil reponsability insurance, Commissions that organize exams for auditors. Regulations enter into force within 14 days.

  • who can prepare an audit
  • the role of the person preparing an audit according to white certificates
  • lack of limits in auditors market
  • the liquidation of commissions in energy efficiency

Block IV: Regulation realization and sanctions

coffe cup_male 15:00 - 15:40

The scope of the obligation and units on the electric power, gas and heating market in the light of executive regulations in force.

EXECUTIVE REGULATIONS OF MINISTRY OF ECONOMY according to the methods of energy accounting according to the value of energy effciency certificate and the value of the equivalent fee from 4th September 2012.

  • units obliged to cancellation of white certificates
  • equivalent fee
  • how much do you have to pay if the obligation was not realized?
  • case study
coffe cup_male 15:40 - 16:15

System sankcji - jako gwarant realizacji przedsięwzięcia efektywnościowego oraz zbytu bialych certyfikatów:

The executive regulations of Ministry of Economy dated to 4th September 2012 about ways of primary energy accounting according to the value of certificate and equivalent fee.
How to realize the regulation - the obligation and obliged units from the sector of electric power, gas and heat. How to avoid sanctions:

  • Because of lack in realization of venture?
  • Because of lack in realization of obligation of certificate purchase?
  • Fines
coffe cup_male16:15 - 16:30 Changes in other regulations and intertemporal rules
  • additional entitlements for heating companies,
  • czasookres obowiązywania ustawy
coffe cup_male 16:30 The Closing of the Workshop, Handing certificates to participants
