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ENTSO-E, the European Network of Transmission System Operators represents 42 electricity transmission system operators (TSOs) from 35 countries across Europe. ENTSO-E was established and given legal mandates by the EU’s Third Legislative Package for the Internal Energy Market in 2009, which aims at further liberalising the gas and electricity markets in the EU.ENTSO-E members share the objective of setting up the internal energy market and ensuring its optimal functioning, and of supporting the ambitious European energy and climate agenda.


edsoforsmartgrids EDSO for Smart Grids gathers leading European distribution system operators (DSOs) for electricity, cooperating to bring smart grids from vision to reality in Europe and is focused on guiding EU RD&D, policy and member state regulation to support this development.


wade logo WADE (World Alliance for Decentralized Energy) works to accelerate the worldwide development of high efficiency cogeneration, onsite power and decentralized renewable energy systems that deliver substantial economic and environmental benefits. In 2002 the group changed its name to WADE and broadened its scope to include all manner of DE technologies. WADE believes that the wider use of DE is a key solution to bringing about the cost-effective modernization and development of the world’s electricity systems. Existing decentralized energy (DE) technologies can reduce delivered energy costs and decrease emissions of CO2 as well as other harmful pollutants.


smartgrids.at The technology platform SmartGrids Austria unites all significant stakeholders from the electricity industry, industry, R&D facilities and the regulator under one roof. The platform provides the framework for a coordinated collaboration of the Austrian players and thus provides a uniform Austrian perspective of smart grids. Its aim is to merge joint forces for future intelligent electricity networks. In 2015, it published the Technology Roadmap Smart Grids Austria, which shows the implementation steps for the change of the electricity system by 2020 in Austria.



Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications (PIIT) has remained in operation since January 1993, organizing currently around 130 biggest companies of the ICT and telecommunication sector.
The Chamber is the most serious partner both in the law making process and in the opinionating of the on-going decisions taken by the Government administration and regulating bodies.
Management of the Chamber accomplish their goals just through collaboration with the legislative institutions, State administration and local-government administration by providing them with the required information, competent analyses and constructive evaluations of the phenomena and activities which are important for the ICT market.
PIIT affected in a major and important way the shape of tax, customs, certification, copyright and public procurement procedure Acts and regulations. PIIT experts participated in elaboration of the Telecommunication Law, Personal Data Protection, Electronic Signature, Public Procurement Law, Copyright and Related Rights, and many other Acts. The Chamber earned opinion of being an honest and constructive partner in discussions and negotiations, and an expert in explaining of the new technical solutions. Representatives of the Chamber actively participated in debates of the Computerization Boards and in many others.
A highly important function of PIIT is the promotion of the Polish ICT market and the companies which are active thereon, among others through co-organization of the Polish IT Congresses, or through assistance offered in organization of trips of the Polish companies to CeBIT Fair in Germany. The Chamber is a patron of the biggest Polish ICT events.
Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications is a member of international organizations DigitalEurope and WITSA, thus having opportunity to affect shape of the European law in the ICT sector.


CeskaplatformaSmartGrid ČTPSG - Česká technologická platforma Smart Grid
Czech Technological Platform Smart Grid was established in September 2009 by local energy companies. It aims at promoting innovative smart infrastructure in Czech Republic through active participation in network development. The Association is opened for every company and institution that is a part of the energy sector and wants to take part in creating the concept for Smart Grid in Czech Republic. The Platform is working on establishing strategic R&D plan for the grid. Its research looks into all aspects of smart grid: infrastructure, technological and normative solutions, and legislative framework.



Polish Economic Chamber of Electrotechnics (PIGE) is a self-governing organization founded 12 December 1991 and registered in the Court in August 1992 operates on the basis of the Law of 30 May 1989 on Chambers of Commerce (Journal of Laws No. 35, item. 195), and the statutes approved by the General Assembly Chamber. By 2010, it operated under the name of the Electrical Industry Chamber of Commerce, based in Warsaw, the Institute of Electrical Engineering, ul. Pożarskiego 28th

The purpose of the Chamber is:

  • to represent and protect the economic interests of its members, especially against public authorities;
  • create conditions for cooperation and economic integration of the environment acting on the electrical engineering;
  • create conditions for innovative activities;
  • to provide assistance to Chamber members in organizing and conducting business in the country and abroad, especially by promoting the export business;
  • creating conditions for the development of the economy through the development and implementation of norms, standards, and new manufacturing processes;
  • organizing assistance in establishing cooperative ties between the members of the House and the national and international economic partners;
  • the development and promotion of professional ethics in business and the principles of fair competition;
  • create conditions for the appropriate relationship between the employee and the employer.


Instytut Tele- i Radiotechniczny

The Tele & Radio Research Institute is a first class research institute pursuing comprehensive and multidisciplinary research and development works over highly developed technologies and innovations having viable prospects for implementation in many industries. The Institute is a body notified by the European Commission number 1941. The Institute's essential research areas relate to the selected electronic materials and components, electronic mounting and specialised ICT systems.
The Institute's mission has been accomplished by conducting scientific and research work and by applying such works and preparing them for implementation at the industrial scale. Such efforts are carried out by specialised Centres. The Institute has implemented, maintained and improved the Quality Management System compliant with PN-EN ISO 9001:2009 standard.


kape-2014 The Polish National Energy Conservation Agency (KAPE) was created on the 15th of April 1994 by an Act of the Polish government, as a result of an agreement of shareholders implementing the national energy policy. The agency was created as a joint-stock company and in line with the Civil Code adheres to free market principles. KAPE also realizes tasks of a public service character on a non-profit basis.
The Mission of KAPE is promoting and implementing world class standards and practices in the fields of Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Development, on the basis of which we create optimal energy efficiency solutions for our customers.
Our strategic aim is supporting the competitive growth of the Polish Economy through improving Energy Efficiency in respect to the rules of Sustainable Development.
KAPE offers complex advisory and training services in the fields of Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Development for companies and building sector. The Agency also provides expertise for Polish government and municipalities, and conducts activities in the fields of educating and promoting rational energy use and development of Renewable Energy Sources.
Acting as either the managing or implementing body in Poland, KAPE is involved in a range of international projects set up as part of the European Union’s energy programmes and national projects co-financed with public funds. In addition to that the Agency is the national contact point for beneficiaries of the Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) program, which is itself part of the wider Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP).
In 2003 the European Commission granted KAPE mandated body status which entitles the Agency to take part in projects conducted using twinning agreements. Since 2005 the agency is part of the European Energy Network.


pirc The Polish Chamber of Digital Radiodiffusion brings together broadcasters and operators of satellite and terrestrial operators, wireless internet, suppliers and manufacturers of equipment for satellite and terrestrial, and service companies from all over the country. Polish Chamber of Digital Radiodiffusion is present in the work of the Parliament, the Polish Government as well as seminars and conferences on broad issues of radio, television and the Internet, in particular the transition from analogue to digital terrestrial television, as well as the implementation of broadband Internet access wireless. PIRC affects the shape of law and regulations for new technical solutions, infrastructure, telecommunications, copyright and administrative solutions.


pti Polish Information Processing Association (PTI) is an organization that for 35 years brings together professionals from the IT industry. PTI brings together Polish specialists - through educational cooperation with other organizations in the industry and business field that focus enthusiasts a variety of issues. An important area of activity PTI is also an impact on legislation on the area of modern technology - giving opinions on legislation and participate in the Parliamentary Commissions.


iuser IUSERPlatform
It aims to facilitate collaboration between such sectors as: academia, research and development, industry, education, work market, and state services, to promote knowledge exchange and cooperation in project deployment, planning and strategy development, both on the Polish and International level. The focus of research, is in advancing such technologies and products that can accelerate the progress of distributed generation of energy. The IUSER Platform hopes that such strategy can lead to economic growth due to innovation and knowledge.


not Polish Federation of Engineering Associations (Naczelna Organizacja Techniczna - NOT) is a cluster of research associations representing technical society, bringing together Polish technicians and engineers. Its goal is to strengthen environmental research and facilitate cooperation between civilizational advance and sustainable growth.


renewables-grid The Renewables-Grid-Initiative promotes the pursuit of efficient, sustainable, clean and socially approved development of the European network of decentralized energy sources as well as major sources of renewable energy.


itl Institute of Communications - National Research Institute is an independent, national institution of research and development in the field of telecommunications and information technologies. Institute is working on the development of the telecommunications network state, normalization and standardization of systems and telecommunications equipment.


SIT Engineers Association of Telecommunications (SIT) is a creative organization with nationwide coverage and a scientific-technical character, constituting a voluntary association of engineers, telecommunications technicians and those whose professional activity is connected with the SIT activity. Main aims of SIT are educational, scientific and social communications activities.



Purposes of establishing the Mazovia Energy Agency (MAE):

  • Preparation of a comprehensive regional energy programme.
  • Increasing the amount of renewable energy sources and improving energy efficiency.
  • Improving the coherence between urban/industrial development in the region and continuous increase in energy security and reduction of energy dependency.
  • Reduction of region’s expenditures on energy import from outside.
  • Supporting new energy model, maintaining balance between major energy enterprises and independent local power generators.
  • Acquisition of resources from the EU for the region and partners as well as for actions improving energy security and development of new technologies and local industry.


seplogo The Association of Polish Electrical Engineers (SEP), is a creative kind of organization of scientific-technical character, a voluntary association of electricians of all specialties and people whose professional activity is connected with vastly understood electrical engineering as well as legal persons interested in the activity of SEP.


politechnika slaska 130

The Silesian University of Technology has a history of 65 years. It has become an important public culture and opinion-forming institution, deeply rooted in the city of Gliwice and Upper Silesia region. It’s special function is an outcome of the fact that for many successive years our University served as a specific “knowledge deposit” , thanks to the creative work of its professors and other staff. We successfully utilize our human resources in research and education processes and make the results available for the public benefit and market advantage.


uke The President of the UKE (Office of Electronic Communications) is the national regulatory authority for the market of telecommunications and postal services. The President of the UKE is also the specialised authority in the area of equipment conformity assessment, including telecommunications terminal equipment and radio equipment.

The specific duties of the President of the UKE include, inter alia:
  • the performance of tasks related to the regulation and supervision of telecommunications services' markets, spectrum management, orbital and numbering resources, as well as the enforcement of compliance with electromagnetic compatibility requirements;
  • intervening in matters related to the functioning of the market for telecommunications and postal services, the equipment market and the settlement of disputes between telecommunications undertakings;
  • co-operation with domestic and international telecommunications and postal organisations, other competent national authorities, the European Commission and Community institutions, as well as other NRAs;
  • co-operation with the President of the Office for Competition and Consumers Protection in matters related to the enforcement of the rights of parties using postal and telecommunications services, and with the National Broadcasting Council.

UKE's head office is in Warsaw.



Cybersecurity Foundation is a non-governmental organization established in June 2010. Our main mission is to raise awareness on threats emerging from the cyber domain. We educate, conduct cyber exercises and organize events for professionals. We also pursue research and development activities related to IT security and critical infrastructure protection. The core of CSF is its experts, passionate people specialize in various fields of cybersecurity. Our vision is to be one of the most influential institution, which will meet the challenges of dynamically changing spectrum of threats.

