CBE Polska

NFOŚiGW: about the support for the RES sector under the program POIiŚ 2014-2020

Artur MichalskinfosWe would like to inform about the involvement of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in the 2nd edition of the Seminar "Virtual Power Plants, Energy Storage Systems, Renewable Energy Cooperatives". Artur Michalski, Deputy Chairman of NFOŚiGW, head of the Department of Foreign Resources and the Department of Energy and Innovation will join our esteemed group of Speakers during the Seminar. It is worth mentioning that both the Ministry of Energy and the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management will actively support the formation of the first, pilot RES cluster / cooperatives projects - financial support for such initiaitves had been announced on 16 December 2016, as part of the POIiŚ 2014-2020 programme. More