CBE Polska

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Seminar Development prospects of cogenerationformularzEN

Ministerstwo EnergiiMinistry of Energy - Polish government administration office serving the minister responsible for two departments of government administration: energy and the economy of mineral deposits.
udtUrząd Dozoru Technicznego jest instytucją państwową powołaną w celu zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa urządzeń i instalacji technicznych podlegających dozorowi technicznemu. Jako jednostka notyfikowana prowadzi działalność certyfikacyjną (UDT-CERT) i szkoleniową (Akademia UDT). Zapleczem badawczo-ekspertyzowym UDT jest Centralne Laboratorium Dozoru Technicznego (CLDT) w Poznaniu.

Podstawowy zakres działania UDT:
  • nadzór i kontrola przestrzegania przepisów o dozorze technicznym, a także przepisów i zasad z zakresu bezpieczeństwa techniki dotyczących urządzeń technicznych,
  • wykonywanie dozoru technicznego nad urządzeniami technicznymi w zakresie określonym ustawą,
  • wydawanie decyzji w sprawach wynikających z wykonywania dozoru technicznego,
  • prowadzenie ewidencji eksploatowanych urządzeń technicznych,
  • analizowanie przyczyn i skutków uszkodzeń urządzeń technicznych oraz stała ocena stopnia zagrożenia stwarzanego przez te urządzenia,
  • inicjowanie działalności mającej na celu podnoszenie zawodowych kwalifikacji wytwórców oraz użytkowników w zakresie bezpiecznej pracy urządzeń technicznych,
  • uzgadnianie programów szkolenia osób obsługujących i konserwujących urządzenia techniczne,
  • sprawdzanie kwalifikacji osób wytwarzających, naprawiających, modernizujących, obsługujących i konserwujących urządzenia techniczne oraz osób wykonujących badania nieniszczące,
  • certyfikowanie systemów jakości dotyczących urządzeń technicznych.
pigo 200Polish Chamber of Waste Management (Polish: PIGO) was established 14 April 2003 as an organization of self-government by 145 companies engaged in waste management and municipal health. PIGO is based on the Law on Chambers of Commerce, which provides a basic implementation of statutory objectives, it is represent and protect the interests of the industry to the state authorities of other national and international organizations, and to create conditions for the development of enterprise in waste management.
The Board strives to be in line with market economy principles and sustainable development through environmental legal and economic mechanisms, have been promoted in this field: modern technology community, reducing waste at the source of their creation, the development of systems recovery, recycling and safe for humans and the environment disposal. PIGO supports business initiatives and members organizations. Allows entreprises to participate in the creation of law, promoting high standards of safety for humans and the environment and health care (best available technology), supports development of professional municipal services entrepreneurship and market and industry waste processing.
PIGO is an opne organization - all companies operating in the market may accede to organization (under the terms of the Articles of Association) regardless of the size or form of ownership. The cooperation and membership, PIGO welcomes in particular businesses dealing with waste disposal, recycling organizations, purification urban waste and the incineration, landfill, hardware and equipment for the collection, transport and treatment of waste and cleaning.
pipcPolska Izba Przemysłu Chemicznego (Polish Chamber of Chemical Industry) (PIPC) is an association of chemical industry in Poland representing it’s Members in relations with national and European administration and in international organizations. Polish Chamber of Chemical Industry was established in 1988. In 2001 merged with the Association of the Chemical Industry Employers in Poland established in 1994. In accordance with the Statute the scope of activity covers areas implemented by both organizations and is their continuation.
Objective and scope of activity:
  • Support the development of the chemical industry;
  • Monitoring of economic and sociallegislation towards support of sustainable development of the chemical industry taking into account the rights of the Members;
  • Representation of theeconomic and social interests of Members at the national and international level;
  • Protectionof the rights and represent the interests of the Members to authorities and state administration, local government authorities and other authorities, trade unions and other organizations.
ptezThe main aim of the Polish Association of CHP Plants is to identify ways of solving problems related to the generation and use of electricity and heat, going beyond the individual interests of assocciation members as well ass taking into account the interests of the society and the environment. Furthermore, inspiring directions of development of sources of energy in the combined economy. PTEZ members are professionally involved in the production and use of heat and electricity. The association's activity covers all major areas of CHP and, above all, focuses on the implementation of its statutory task by promoting the development of cogeneration in Poland.
are logo 20 Energy Market Agency (ARE SA) was established on 24 February 1997 years for research and statistical analysis system, including economic simulation in the field of energy management.
The most important and prestigious area of operations research and statistical analysis, we run in cooperation with governmental agencies, and the consequent dominant task is to maintain and develop the Data Bank of the Fuel and Energy for the purposes of public statistics and provide information in this respect government authorities, energy companies and other operators in the market. In this area we work closely with the Ministry of Energy, the Central Statistical Office and the Energy Regulatory Office.
napeNational Energy Conservation Agency (NAPE) was established in 1994 with an aim of popularizing efficient and rational energy usage, above all in the building sector, and the principles of sustainable development.
We specialize in energy consulting, energy auditing and certification of buildings. NAPE is one of the few companies in Poland that elaborate energy performance certificates for complex buildings equipped with advanced technical systems and for public buildings. We train energy auditors, publish textbooks and spreadsheets for the preparation of audits, and issue educational brochures.
NAPE participates in projects co-financed by the European Commission concerned with energy efficiency of buildings, financing modernization of buildings, renewable energy sources implementation, polygeneration, promotion of energy saving, integrated design, and innovative HVAC technologies.
We prepare applications for subsidies from the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, European Funds, thermomodernization bonuses from the bank. NAPE is also a verifying consultant for the Polish Sustainable Energy Financing Facility PolSEFF. We also verify projects financed by the European Investment Bank.
