PGNiG TERMIKA is the largest Polish producer of heat and electricity in cogeneration. Generating heat and electricity at the same time is the most effective production method. On 11 January 2012, the company became a member of the PGNiG S.A. Group.
Our plants generate 11% of all heat produced in Poland. It is already supplied to 70% of the Warsaw population and 60% of the residents of Pruszków, Piastów and Michałowice. PGNiG TERMIKA produces energy in cogeneration (combined heat and power generation). This effective method of production allows our company to meet approximately 65% of the electricity demand of Warsaw. The heat we produce in our cogeneration plants reaches customers as hot tap water and hot water in their heating radiators. It is generated at five plants:
- CHP Siekierki and HP Kawęczyn
- CHP Żerań, HP Wola and Pruszków Cogeneration Plant
In total, our cogeneration plants produce annually over 3.7 TWh of electricity and approximately 12 TWh of heat.
The primary fuel used at PGNiG TERMIKA is hard coal. However, we are gradually replacing it with ecological and environmentally-friendly biomass. HP Wola is fired with heavy fuel oil.
The heat produced by PGNiG TERMIKA is distributed in two ways:
- in Warsaw – through the municipal district heating network of Veolia Energia Warszawa
- in Pruszków – through our own district heating network

Forum Energii is a think tank that, based on data and analysis, forms the foundations for clean, innovative, safe and efficient energy. It is a professional, trustworthy dialogue partner and a knowledge center on the power sector in Poland and the region. The Think Tank is a continuation of the Energy Analysis Forum, a non-profit initiative created in 2014 by Joanna Maćkowiak-Pandera (then Agora Energiewende), Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP) and Maciej Bukowski (WiseEuropa). Cost-effective and low-carbon transformation of the Polish power sector. The Energy Forum is funded by the European Climate Foundation. |
BARTER S.A. is a company with 100% share of Polish capital, thriving in the energy sector. The Company's core business is the sale and distribution of LPG, LNG and fertilizers. The distribution network covers the whole country, although we also find customers in other EU countries. They have a huge fleet of trucks and vans. Company has a staff of experienced coordinators who can professionally meet the expectations of even the most demanding clients. BARTER S.A. sells gas with two main distribution channels: bulk in rail tankers or tank trucks as well as in LPG cylinders: 11 kg, 33 kg, tourist and specialist for power forklift trucks. Company manages a network of over a hundred LPG stations and several thousand cylinder points. |
Fumar as a standalone unit has been on the market since 2010. Company's main area of activity is small industrial energy, waste heat management and renewable energy sources, mainly energy generated from biomass combustion. Together with partners Fumar provides design, execution, delivery, organization and implementation services. The aim of company's activities is to reduce investment costs and shorten their implementation time. Fumar works for their clients by proposing and implementing more favorable technical solutions and using alternative equipment. Fumar's employees are highly qualified professionals with extensive experience gained during many years of design practice and on the construction of industrial plants in Poland and abroad. Company also specializes in the selection of complete facilities such as boiler houses, biomass power plants or CHP plants. |
Ministry of Energy - Polish government administration office serving the minister responsible for two departments of government administration: energy and the economy of mineral deposits. |
National Energy Conservation Agency (NAPE) was established in 1994 with an aim of popularizing efficient and rational energy usage, above all in the building sector, and the principles of sustainable development.We specialize in energy consulting, energy auditing and certification of buildings. NAPE is one of the few companies in Poland that elaborate energy performance certificates for complex buildings equipped with advanced technical systems and for public buildings. We train energy auditors, publish textbooks and spreadsheets for the preparation of audits, and issue educational brochures.NAPE participates in projects co-financed by the European Commission concerned with energy efficiency of buildings, financing modernization of buildings, renewable energy sources implementation, polygeneration, promotion of energy saving, integrated design, and innovative HVAC technologies.We prepare applications for subsidies from the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, European Funds, thermomodernization bonuses from the bank. NAPE is also a verifying consultant for the Polish Sustainable Energy Financing Facility PolSEFF. We also verify projects financed by the European Investment Bank. |
ARE SA was established on February 24, 1997 in order to conduct statistical surveys and system analyses, including economical simulations in the field of energy management.
Its inception was the result of realization of the government energy policy's assumptions, according to which there was a need to establish a commercial partnership subject which is supposed to carry out analytical and prognostic works for energy enterprises in order to continue the reform of petroleum and energy sector as well as for government agendas co-operating in the field of formulating and introducing the energy policies ('Energy Policy Guidelines for Poland until 2010' -- accepted by the Council of Ministers on October 17, 1996). “With us energy sector does not have any secrets” - this is a motto which inspires our activity because the mission of the ARE is to fulfill informational needs and to provide expert knowledge in the field of energy sector. Accomplishing the mission makes it possible for subjects taking advantage of our services to gain both historical and current data as well as anticipations concerning future energy needs and possibilities of their fulfillment accordingly to the expected commercial and regulatory targets.
The most important and prestigious fields of interest are statistical surveys and analyses which are being conducted in co-operation with government agencies, so the dominant task resulting from this fact is to run and develop Bank Danych Gospodarki Paliwowo-Energetycznej (Bank of Energy and Petroleum Industry Data) oriented to the needs of public statistics as well as to provide government bodies, energy enterprises and other subjects functioning on the market with vital information. In this field we co-operate with the Ministry of Economy, the central Statistical Office and the Energy Regulatory Office.
Energy sector enterprises and companies co-operating with them take great advantage of the results of our statistical works as well as of our analyses, prognostics and advisory services. In this field we can boast of a number of regular reports which characterize changes taking place on the petroleum and energy markets in Poland, in the European Union and in the whole world. We also realize individual elaborations and provide other consulting services, what is more, depending on the client's preferences, we perform them ourselves or on the basis of rigid co-operation with interested parties.
An important segment of ARE's informational offer is a probably well-known to all those who deal with energy topics, updated on the daily basis web portal CIRE.pl. It keeps our clients up to date with developments in such branches as: electrical power engineering, gas industry, heating and mining industries and at the same time it is a place where free flow of opinions on these topics is possible. |
Polska Izba Przemysłu Chemicznego (Polish Chamber of Chemical Industry) (PIPC) is an association of chemical industry in Poland representing it’s Members in relations with national and European administration and in international organizations. Polish Chamber of Chemical Industry was established in 1988. In 2001 merged with the Association of the Chemical Industry Employers in Poland established in 1994. In accordance with the Statute the scope of activity covers areas implemented by both organizations and is their continuation. Objective and scope of activity:
- Support the development of the chemical industry;
- Monitoring of economic and sociallegislation towards support of sustainable development of the chemical industry taking into account the rights of the Members;
- Representation of theeconomic and social interests of Members at the national and international level;
- Protectionof the rights and represent the interests of the Members to authorities and state administration, local government authorities and other authorities, trade unions and other organizations.
The Polish Power Industry Association (SPE) has existed since 1996. Currently it is nationwide, has 17 branches in the country and has more than 2000 members, specialists in all power industries: electric power, heat and gas. The Association of Polish Power Industry is a voluntary, self-governing, sustained scientific and technical association. The main aim of association is developing and promoting initiatives, attitudes and actions conducive to the development of the Polish power industry, the rational use of solid, liquid, gas and electricity fuels: electricity and heat as well as organizational and physical support to people who undertake such activities.
The Polish Economic Chamber of Renewable and Distributed Energy (Polska Izba Gospodarcza Energetyki Odnawialnej i Rozproszonej, PIGEOR) was established on 12th October 2004. On 30th November 2004, the Chamber had entered into the National Court Register, thus obtaining legal personality. The Chamber is an organisation of economic self-government, established under the Act on Chambers of Commerce of 30th May 1989. |
Leviatan Confederation focuses in regional and industry associations more than 3,750 companies employing a total of over 700 thousand people. Leviatan is a member of Komisja Trójstronna ds. Społeczno-Gospodarczych (eng. Tripartite Commission for Social and Economic Affairs), also belongs to BUSINESSEUROPE organization - which represents the interests of business and employers to the European Commission, European Parliament and other EU institutions. Confederation effectively strives for better law for Polish entrepreneurs and cares about their image. Moreover, Confederation monitors barriers for entrepreneurship and prepare its own macroeconomic analyzes.
Polish Association of Professional Heat and Power Plants The main aim of the association is to identify ways of solving problems related to the generation and use of electricity and heat, going beyond the individual interests of assocciation members as well ass taking into account the interests of the society and the environment. Furthermore, inspiring directions of development of sources of energy in the combined economy. PTEZ members are professionally involved in the production and use of heat and electricity. The association's activity covers all major areas of CHP and, above all, focuses on the implementation of its statutory task by promoting the development of cogeneration in Poland. |
Bireta Professional Translations is a translation agency in Warsaw which for 14 years has been providing translations and interpreting services on subjects relating to the power industry, gas industry, environmental protection, transport, infrastructure, IT, telecommunications, law, and finance. Bireta adheres to international standard ISO 17100, which specifies the requirements for a high-quality translation service. Bireta is a member of the Polish Association of Translation Companies and only works with the best translators who are experts in their particular field. Bireta specializes in handling large-scale projects which require translation of as many as several thousand pages per month. We develop a terminology database and glossary, guaranteeing consistency of the texts translated. A Project Manager is assigned to personally coordinate a particular project and is in regular contact with the client. We have a two-step quality control system in which the translated text is always reviewed by another translator/proofreader. Bireta also has many years of experience in providing a comprehensive interpreting service for conferences, training, and business meetings. We can provide experienced interpreters, professional equipment, and translations of the printed conference materials. Bireta’s clients include: Alstom Power Sp. z o.o., Asseco Poland S.A., Budimex S.A., Daewoo International Corporation, Foster Wheeler Energia Polska Sp. z o.o. , General Electric International S.A., Halliburton Company Germany GmbH, Hochtief Polska S.A., Lane Energy Poland Sp. z o.o., LOTOS Petrobaltic S.A., Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems Europe GmbH, Polimex - Mostostal S.A., PGNiG S.A., Salini Polska Sp. z o.o., Rafako S.A., Schlumberger Oilfield Eastern Limited Sp. z o.o., Siemens Sp. z o.o., Strabag Sp. z o.o., and Veolia Usługi dla Środowiska S.A. For more information about our company please go to: www.bireta.pl |