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Ladies and gentlemen,
due to the wide interest in the potential of PPAs, we invite you to participate in the seminar "Corporate Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)", which will be held on November 28, 2019 in Warsaw. The main objective of the event is to exchange experience of experts from Poland and abroad seeking to define barriers and the possibility of implementing PPAs on the Polish market.
The Power Purchase Agreement is nothing more than a long-term contract for the purchase of electricity directly from the producer of energy from renewable sources. This is beneficial not only for environmental reasons (low emissions), but also for business, because it is the possibility of long-term supply of electricity at a fixed price.
Various types of PPA contracts are possible:
- on-site - the producer's renewable energy installation is located directly at the recipient's installation, for example a solar installation on the roof of the factory.
- near site direct wire - the RES installation is located in the nearby vicinity of the recipient, and electricity is sent via a dedicated distribution line.
- off site - produced electricity from RES installations is sent to the recipient via the transmission / distribution line of the network operator. Off-site contracts for PPAs may occur in various variants, eg multi-seller (several RES producers sell energy to one recipient based on one contract) and multi-buyer (one energy producer sells energy on the basis of one contract concluded with several recipients).
Among the most important issues of the event:
- Regulatory environment of PPAs
- The scope and construction of PPAs
- Potential beneficiaries
- Opportunities, barriers and risks of implementing PPA in Poland
- PPA as an alternative to the RES auction
- European experience
- Energy balancing under the PPA agreement
- PPA as an opportunity for investment development of energy producers from RES
- PPA as a certificate of creditworthiness of a renewable energy producer
We invite you to participate:
- large industrial energy consumers
- RES energy producers (in particular PV and wind)
- investors
- consulting and engineering companies
- representatives of law firms
- representatives of banks financing energy investments
- in DSO representatives of departments:
- measurements, balancing
- legal, operator services
- forecasts and demand
- in trading companies of departments:
- wholesale trade
- portfolio management
- contracts
- settlements and reporting
- legal / regulation
- pricing policy
- customer service
Behind us, already two successful editions of the seminar about CPPAs, which brought together over 200 specialists:

2nd edition: