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On June 12, 2019, the 8th edition of Forum of Biomass and Waste was held in Chorzów. The Moderator of the Forum was PhD Rafał Rajczyk from the Infrastructure and Environment Department of the Częstochowa University of Technology.
Introductory speech was given by Marta Gurin, Head of the Policy and Technology department at CEWEP (Confederation of European Waste-to-Energy Plants). In her lecture she discussed the current legislative directions for the industry of WtE. "As of today, there are 492 waste installations in Europe. The implementation of the circular economy package, the implementation of the RES directive as well as the BREF Waste Incineration document is crucial. We should remember that in European incinerators we not only incinerate municipal but also industrial waste. Recent years (2001-2017) showed a very good tendency assuming a shift away from landfill (-32%) for recycling (+ 19%) and energy recovery (+ 12%). There are new regulations regarding the recycling of metals from slags in terms of their quality criteria - you will find them in the waste directive art.11a and the packaging directive art. 6a. By the end of 2019, we have time to implement, while new calculation methods will apply from 2020 "- emphasized the speaker. In the further part of the presentation, she also outlined the legislation regarding the financing of investments and EU funds as well as a document on the best available techniques for waste incineration.
The second presentation was given by Andrzej Pudło, Proxy, National Manager of Fuel Economy, Fortum Power and Heat Polska. He presented a case study on the new Fortum multi-fuel heat and power plant in Zabrze. The Fortum heat and power plant in Zabrze produces heat and electricity in combination. A modern multi-fuel boiler is primarily powered by coal and an alternative fuel (RDF - Refuse Derived Fuel) with the possibility of burning biomass and a mix of these three fuels. The amount of RDF used can reach up to 50% of the total fuel consumption. The plant replaced worn-out coal-fired units, currently installed in Zabrze and Bytom, and significantly reduced CO2 and other substances in the region. The total value of the investment was approximately PLN 870 million. In total, over 4 400 tons of steel and 19,000 m³ of concrete were used in the construction. The assumed annual production of heat will be 730 Gwh. "Fortum Heat and Power Plant from Zabrze is a modern and low-emission heat source for the inhabitants of Zabrze and Bytom. The annual pounding is assumed to be 730 GWh of heat and 550 GW of electricity. This is a 225 MW cogeneration source in fuel and a flexible fuel mix: coal, biomass and RDF. " - said the speaker.
Another presentation was delivered by Iwona Jelonek, the new President of the Board of the Polish Pellet Council and Mr. Adam Sarnaszek, Member of the Polish Pellet Council and the President of the Management Board of Biocontrol. The Polish Pellet Council is an association of the Polish pellet industry, which was founded on June 2, 2017. The members of the Polish Pellet Council are companies that deal in the production, trade and distribution of wood pellet, producers of pellet heating devices, manufacturers of stoves, installers, producers of granulating technology, but also other business entities, institutions and organizations active in the pellet industry and involved in the development of this industry sector. "As part of the Polish Pellet Council's activity, we promote good quality fuels as well as fight against abuses on the wood pellet market. The Polish Pellet Council acts as the national contact point for counterfeiting and to support information activities for the standardization of pellet quality certification systems. According to the report of the World Health Organization, "Ambient Air Pollution Database 2016", 33 of the 50 most polluted cities in the European Union are located in Poland, of which 10 are located in the Silesian Voivodeship. We have something to work on" - President Jelonek added.
The second part of the presentation was delivered by Adam Sarnaszek, Member of the Polish Pellet Council and President of the Management Board of Biocontrol. The speaker focused on presenting aspects of fuel eligibility in contact with green energy and heat production. He also discussed the issue of the amendment of the Waste Act in terms of obtaining the status of a by-product: "As before, the object or substance resulting from the production process, whose primary purpose is not its production, can be considered as a by-product, not a waste. However, certain conditions must be met: the object / substance will be used without additional processing, it is produced as an integral part of the production process, it meets the essential legal requirements and does not adversely affect the environment and people's lives. Further changes in the scope of obtaining the by-product status include the WIOŚ control unit - it may carry out an audit in the scope covered by the notification. WIOŚ may also use the opinion of external experts or carry out procedures based on the so-called third party." - added President Sarnaszek. In the further part of the presenattion he discussed the issue of authentication of RES fuels, due diligence system and presented the National List of Authenticated Biomass.
The block after a coffee break began with the presentation of Sławomir Kopcio, Deputy Manager at ZEC Dzierżoniów. He presented a project for the construction of a biomass boiler in a cogeneration system with a turbine for ORC. The new boiler will be fired with forest chips and will achieve the output of 6.05MW. The co-financing from Measure 1.6 Sources of high-efficiency cogeneration priority axis reduction of the economy of the Operational Program Infrastructure and Environment 2014-2020" has been granted. In 2019, commissioning is planned. "Due to rising environmental charges and a significant increase in coal fines in 2016, the ZEC Management Board The total cost of the project is PLN 28 million 650, the co-financing was PLN 20 445 761. The contractor was selected based on the tender - the main contractor was VAS Energy Systems International GmbH from Austria. The hall, in which there were 4 WLM5 coal boilers, was demolished, and a high-efficiency cogeneration installation was created in their place. From our perspective, the key factor guaranteeing the success of the investment we are making is choosing the appropriate team reliable and responsible contractors" - finished the speaker.
Case study The next one was given by Adam Dybowski, ITPOE Manager, Elektrociepłownia Branch in Rzeszów, PGE Energia Ciepła. Four hours of use were discussed in the presentation. "ITPOE (Thermal Treatment Plant from Energy Recovery) in Rzeszów, produces ecological heat and electricity for cities and surrounding areas. 100,000 thousand tonnes / year in grate technology. Power of the facility up to 8 MWe at condensation and 4.6 MWe at work in cogeneration. The heating power for cogeneration is 16.5 MWt. Additional heat recovery from condensation up to 4MWt". In next part of the presentation, Mr. Dybowski discussed the most important electrical devices in the CHP plant as well as their emissivity. In addition, hepresented the main damages which took place over the last 10 months, including: glitch faults, defects and air heaters.
The last presentation before the discussion panel was given by Wojciech Nawrocki, Member of the Board and co-founder of METROPOLIS Doradztwo Gospodarcze. METROPOLIS Doradztwo Gospodarcze is one of the leading companies on the Polish market dealing in acquiring external financing. Founded in January 2005, the company uses the knowledge and experience of 25 experts in the fields of economics, finance, law, taxation and environmental protection, including experts appointed for evaluation applications under Regional Operational Programs, Intelligent Development Operational Program, Eastern Poland, Knowledge Education Development and Infrastructure and Environment. In his presentation he discussed the possibilities of financing biomass investments. "In our portfolio we have obtained funding for such entities as Veolia, EDF, Polltyag S.A, Radomskie Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej RADPEC, MPGK Krosno, G.EN.GAZ ENERGIAm, Eko-Energia, Eco-Progres, Pellet Poland and many others. We coordinate obtaining subsidies for, among others, heat distribution networks, high-efficiency cogeneration, renewable energy as part of Regional Operational Programs. In addition, we are also actively involved in the NFOSiGW "Energia Plus" program." - the speaker added. well as their emissivity. In addition, they presented the main information that took place over the last 10 months, including: glitch faults, defects and air heaters.
The summary of the substantive part was a discussion panel.
The Moderator was Adam Sarnaszek, President of the Management Board of Biocontrol. As the debaters appeared:
- Grzegorz Walczukiewicz, Director, Port of Pure Energy
- Jerzy Ziaja, President of the Board, Polish Chamber of Commerce for Recycling
- Dr inż. Anna Matuszewska, Research Network Łukasiewicz - PIMOT
- Magdalena Ruszniak, Director, Production Materials Supply Department, PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna
- Agnieszka Szrajner, Senior Specialist, Renewable and Distributed Energy Department, Ministry of Energy
- Jolanta Domirska, Head of the Environmental Protection Team in the Area of Property Management, Tauron Polska Enegia
The Industry Partner of the Forum was:
- Biocontrol
- METROPOLIS Doradztwo Gospodarcze
As Exhibitors presented:
- Kalenborn
- Chemeko System
- Enoteca
- Ecomex
- Ramboll
- Enervigo
- Andra
- Ebara
Honorary Patronage granted by:
Ministry of Energy, World Bioenergy Association, Bioenergy Europe, UKRCEMENT, National Chamber of Commerce, Bioenergy Association of Ukraine, LATBio, Lewiatan Confederation, National Chamber of Biofuels, Polish Pellet Council, Polish Biomass Society, Polish Association of Combined Heat and Power Plants, KAPE, Polish Chamber of Commerce of Wood Industry , SEP, Cracow University of Technology, Honorary Consulate of Ukraine in Katowice, Silesian University of Technology, University of Agriculture, AGH University of Science and Technology
Media Patronage granted by:
Entrepreneur's Guidebook, Business Price, alterWEB, Biomass Magazine,, Global Recycling, Now Environment, Facts-economic magazine, Municipal Portal, Energy and Recycling, Waste Incinerators,, Business Alert, Bioenergy International and many others .
The translation was provided by: Bireta Professional Translation.
This article has been edited on the basis of presentations delivered during the VIII Biomass and Waste Incineration Forum held on June 12, 2019 in Chorzów.