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Virtual Power Plants, Energy Storage Systems and Renewable Energy Cooperatives

Maciej Kapalski Maciej Kapalski, Lead Specialist in the Renewable Energy Department, Polish Ministry of Energy. Lawyer, expert in the energy law and regulations. Graduate of The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin.
Artur Michalski M.Sc. Engr. Artur Michalski, Vice President of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOŚiGW)

He is a graduate of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering from the Technical University of Czestochowa (1999). He has also completed specialist postgraduate studies, including Intercollegiate Postgraduate Studies Assessment and Evaluation of Natural Resources at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW) and Warsaw School of Economics (SGH), Postgraduate Studies on Compensations of Natural Resources "Natura 2000" (WAU), International Relations Studies and Diplomacy and Postgraduate Studies on Environment Policy - Ecology and Management. In 2006-2008, he was a Deputy Chairman of the Board of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, where he previously served as Vice Chairman of the Board. At the same time, he was the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Regional Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Warsaw. In the past, he was served as an advisor to the Minister of Environment and the head of Minister's political cabinet. In previous years, he served as a Vice President of Urban Water Supply in Radom, then Chairman of the Board of Department of Water Supply and Sewage in Sochaczew. He also worked in the Office of Environmental Protection of the City Warsaw, as the Head of the Department of Ecological Funds. In 2000-2001 he worked in the Office of the Prime Minister in the position of an adviser of the Secretary of State, Government Plenipotentiary on UN Climate Convention. He is the author or co-author of several scientific publications. Currently, as Vice Chairman of the Board of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management supervises the work of the Department of Foreign Resources and the Department of Energy and Innovation.
Lars Kegel Lars Kegel Dep. of Computer Science, Institute for System Architecture, Technische Universität Dresden (Germany)

Lars Kegel is a research assistant to Prof. Wolfgang Lehner at the database technology group at Technische Universitat Dresden (TU Dresden), Germany. He joined the group still as a student where he aimed at evaluating forecasting methods for renewable electricity generation and energy demand. In his Master's thesis he explored the issue of maintanance and performance-tuning of forecast models in databases. Since 2016, he is invloved in the GOFLEX project (Generalized Operational FLEXibility for Integrating Renewables in the Distribution Grid), which is funded by the European Commission, Horizon 2020 programme.
Dietmar Gross Dietmar Gross, Innogy SE (DSO Germany)

Dietmar Gross studied mechanical engineering at Stuttgart University and RWTH Aachen with focus on energy. After he graduated in 2005 he did research on thermal energy storages for solar thermal systems at the Institute for Solar Energy Research ISFH. Since 2009 Dietmar Gross is engaged within the RWE Group, he worked on technology evaluation projects and topics like microCHP, ORC, fuel cells and system simulations. The last years he worked for and with Martin Kramer who is the project manager of the SmartPool project, the next generation VPP at innogy. Dietmar Gross is responsible for the subproject “#4 pilots”. With his team he develops, applies and evaluates new concepts linked with the platform SmartPool to support the development of new products and services.
Jani Leirimaa Jani Leirimaa, Business Developer, Virtual Power plant, Fortum Oy (Finland)

Jani Leirimaa is a member of Fortum’s aggregation and demand response team, where the focus of the business is on distributed loads and storages, and fast reserves. Fortum’s Virtual Power Plant aims to include customers as an active part of the power systems.
Mieczyslaw Wroclawski Mieczysław Wrocławski, Director of the Department of Innovation at ENERGA OPERATOR SA (DSO Poland)

Director of the Department of Innovation at ENERGA-OPERATOR SA. A graduate of Gdansk University of Technology. Silesian University of Technology, Warsaw University of Technology, and MBA studies. He has 45 years of experience in the power industry, he has held management positions related to managing electricity distribution system, has managed numerous innovative and developmental projects, and has worked on the supervisory boards of energy companies. Author of many publications on the integration of renewable energy sources and energy storages with the power system, and on energy efficiency.
Piotr ordyna Piotr Ordyna, Advisor to the Board for Regulation, Tauron Dystrybucja (DSO, Poland)

Piotr Ordyna received his master’s degree from Electrotechnology, Automation and Electronics Department, AGH – University of Science and Technology, Krakow. He also finished postgraduate studies in: new methods in electrical power engineering managament at the University of Lodz; business economics and management at Krakow University of Economics; and electrical power engineering in EU at Kozminski University in Warsaw. Over 22 years of his profesional career he has held a number of positions at all managament levels of a utility - Tauron Dystrybucja. From 2006 to 2007 he was Social Advisor to the President of Energy Regulatory Office in Expert Team for European Cooperation. From 2009 to 2011 he was a PKEE representative in EURELECTRIC Networks Committee. He is a member of PTPIREE, PKEE i SEP.
Zbigniew Hanzelka Prof. Zbigniew Hanzelka, kierownik Katedry Energoelektroniki i Automatyki Systemów Przetwarzania Energii, Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie (Poland)

Autor i współautor ponad 200 artykułów naukowych i technicznych oraz książek. Redaktor czasopism: Electrical Power Quality and Utilization. Obszar zainteresowań badawczych obejmuje jakość dostawy energii elektrycznej, w tym współpracę odnawialnych źródeł energii z systemem elektroenergetycznym oraz zagadnienia związane z platformą technologiczną smart grids. Wykonawca wielu projektów badawczych oraz prac dla przemysłu. Członek komitetów naukowych międzynarodowych i narodowych konferencji, międzynarodowych i narodowych organizacji technicznych tj. IEC, UIE, CIGRE, PKN, komisji Kompatybilności Elektromagnetycznej oraz Komitetu Elektrotechniki Polskiej Akademii Nauk. Były przewodniczący Polskiego Komitetu Naukowo-Technicznego SEP ds. Jakości energii elektrycznej.
grzegorz wisniewski Grzegorz Wiśniewski, Prezes Zarządu EC BREC Instytut Energetyki Odnawialnej (Poland)

Były dyrektor Europejskiego Centrum Energii Odnawialnej (EC BREC) w Instytucie Budownictwa, Mechanizacji i Elektryfikacji Rolnictwa. Grzegorz Wiśniewski jest absolwentem Politechniki Warszawskiej, kierunek mechanika i energetyka procesowa (1987) oraz Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, kierunek organizacja i zarządzanie (1997). Specjalizuje się w zagadnieniach technicznych i ekonomicznych wykorzystania energii odnawialnej oraz w zagadnieniach socjoekonomicznych związanych programowaniem wykorzystania odnawialnych źródeł energii. Od 2002 r. był przedstawicielem Polski w Grupie Ekspertów Dyrektoriatu Komisji Europejskiej ds. Energii i Transportu (obecnie DG ENER) (inicjatywa managEnergy, której - tzw. Grupie Refleksyjnej przewodniczył w latach 2008/2009). W latach 2000-2004 był doradcą, a potem przewodniczącym Zespołu Rady Doradców Ministra Środowiska ds. OZE. Jest członkiem kilku zespołów doradczych Ministra Gospodarki, np. ds. rozwiązań systemowych w energetyce i ds. produkcji urządzeń OZE oraz członkiem Komitetu Sterującego ds. zaawansowanych technologii pozyskania energii w Narodowym Centrum Badań i Rozwoju. Kierował pracami nad kluczowymi dla energetyki odnawialnej ekspertyzami rządowymi dotyczącymi kierunków rozwoju prawa, ocen ekonomicznych technologii OZE. W październiku 2015 roku został powołany w skład Narodowej Rady Rozwoju przez Prezydencie RP. Był też ekspertem i członkiem Grupy Roboczej ds. PZE Wojewódzkiej Rady ds. Bezpieczeństwa Energetycznego przy Pomorskim Urzędzie Wojewódzkim w Gdańsku.
Stanisław Pietruszko Dr inż. Stanisław M. Pietruszko, Prezes, Polskie Towarzystwo Fotowoltaiki (Poland)

Ukończył w 1971 roku Wydział Elektroniki Politechniki Warszawskiej, gdzie pozostał i pracuje jako naukowiec i pedagog. W 1977 roku otrzymał zagraniczne stypendium na Uniwersytecie w Bombaju, w Indiach, gdzie w 1981 roku uzyskał stopień doktora nauk technicznych za pracę obejmującą badania ogniw słonecznych. W 2005 z inicjatywy dr. Pietruszko powstała niezależna pozarządowa organizacja non-profit, Polskie Towarzystwo Fotowoltaiki (PTPV). Towarzystwo promuje szerokie wykorzystanie fotowoltaiki starając się wprowadzić ją do głównego nurtu badań, gospodarki i codziennego życia w Polsce. Zabiega o zwiększenie udziału fotowoltaiki w bilansie energetycznym kraju oraz o poprawę stanu środowiska naturalnego. Początkowo poświęcił się badaniom materiałów, a konkretnie właściwościom krzemu morficznego. W połowie lat 90 skupił się na badaniu systemów fotowoltaicznych i modułów.
Piotr Szelag Dr inż. Piotr Szeląg, Instytut Elektroenergetyki na Wydziale Elektrycznym Politechniki Częstochowskiej (Poland)

Jego badania naukowe skupiają się na analizach, modelowaniu i prognozowaniu zjawisk związanych z odnawialnymi źródłami energii oraz praktycznym wykorzystaniem platform informatycznych w rozwoju systemów elektroenergetycznych
sylwia koch-kopyszko Sylwia Koch - Kopyszko, President, Union of Producers and Employers of the Biogas Industry (Poland)

She has a degree in chemistry with a diploma with honors from the Warsaw University of Technology. She is also a graduate of Management at the School of Management and Law in Warsaw. She has over 15 years of experience in business development, marketing and team management. She was a member of the executive management in construction companies, like WODAN Sp. z o.o. and Degussa Construction Chemicals Poland. For more than 6 years she has been actively associated with renewable energy. Throughout her career, she was engaged in wind, photovoltaic and biogas projects all over Poland.
Tomasz Podgajniak Tomasz Podgajniak, Vice President of Polish Economic Chamber of Renewable Energy (Poland)

President of the Program Board, President of the Board at Enerco Sp. z o.o., Minister of Environment in the government of PM Marek Belka.In 2004, he assumed the position of Secretary of State at the Ministry of the Environment. On 25 April 2005, he was temporarily charged with the responsibilities of assuming the role of the Minister for the Environment after Jerzy Swatoń resigned. He held the position of Minister for the Environment from May 24th to October 31st, 2005, when the Cabinet of Marek Belka was dissolved.
Stanislas d Herbemont Stanislas d'Herbemont, Project Manager, REScoop.EU (France)

Mr. Stanislas d'Herbemont is the Project Manager of the European Association of Renewable Energy Cooperatives (REScoop.EU). Stan previous engagement was with Tournesol Microgrids, an organisation that supports decentralised energy systems throughout Europe. He is currently managing REScoop Plus, PV Financing and supports Vaiva on the management responsibilities in WiseGrid project.
Jakub Tomiczek, CTO at ConnectPoint (Poland)

Has more than 10 years experience in data analytics, graduated from Department of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics of the University of Warsaw and Warswa School of Economics. Responsible for technical vision and technology stack composition at ConnectPoint
 BIwicki Bartosz Iwicki, Product Manager, EMU (Poland)

Has many years of experience in the implementation of investment projects in the area of renewable energy and energy storage - both as a manager, designer, and installer. He is also the author of several laboratory projects and an active trainer in RES industry. He completed engineering studies in Electrical Engineering at the Gdynia Maritime University and a number of expert courses.
Krzysztof Kolodziejczyk PhD. Eng. Krzysztof Kołodziejczyk, Director of Business Development - Utilities, Globema (Poland)

He started his career at the Technical University of Lodz in 1986, as a researcher and then continued it at the University of Lodz for 1996. In the years 1998-2001 he was the Project Manager of GIS implementation in the Energy DSO Łódź-Teren, and then to 2004, the Head of the IT Office. Since 2004, as an independent expert, he has worked with many companies: Rector, Intergraph, Andersen Business Consulting, S & T Services, BOPD, Hewlett-Packard, CADExpert, Aplikom, Investment Processes. At Globema, he is responsible for Utilities business development. He participated in the preparation and implementation of many R&D projects in the area of power industry. Krzysztof Kołodziejczyk is a graduate of Fundamental Technological Research at the Technical University of Lodz. In 1996 he obtained a PhD degree from the University of Lodz. In 2002 he completed postgraduate studies "Management of energy company" at the Technical University of Lodz and in 2003, the Mini MBA at the University of Maryland / University of Lodz.
Carsten Wissing Dr. Carsten Wissing, Business Technology Consulting (Germany)

Dr. Carsten Wissing studied at the Technical University of Braunschweig in the field of energy economics before he made his PhD at the Oldenburger Institut für Informatik. His PhD thesis acts on a special market design supporting bottleneck management in the distribution net with large load of renewables. After his PhD he founded the start up “Particon”, which is focussing on intelligent systems for economical and sustainable energy supply. At “Particon” dr. Wissing worked as managing director until he moved to BTC, where he is responsible for the business development of the BTC Virtual Power Plant.
BPolowiec  Beata Superson-Polowiec, Partner, Legal Counsel, Polowiec & Partners Legal Firm (Poland)

Partner. Legal Counsel with experience in the field of civil and commercial law. An expert in the field of commercial contracts, energy and fuel industry with an extensive experience in project management and support groups. Adviser and negotiator of many key projects. She has experience in preparing analyses of regulatory risk, and the design of legal solutions for the assumed business models. The author of numerous legal opinions in the field of energy law and related issues as well as publications and expert analyses in the field. She has experience in issues related to energy efficiency, renewable energy, EU ETS, cogeneration, market of liquid fuels, gas and heat. She represents clients in proceedings concession and other proceedings before the President of URE. Lecturer at the School of Management and Banking in Krakow and the Krakow University of Economics.
NJurzyk Natalia Jurzyk, Trainee Solicitor, Polowiec & Partners Legal Firm (Poland)

Employed in the Legal Office of Polowiec & Partners. Participates in legal counseling of different entities from the energy sector, particularly by supporting the implementation of the obligations related to the support systems of renewable energy sources, energy efficiency and cogeneration, as well as through the preparation and negotiation of energy agreements. She prepares information and opinions concerning the current interpretation and application of the law of supply and investments using renewable and non-renewable sources of energy. She is the co-author of scientific publications entitled "The definition of the metallurgical process within the art. 30 paragraph. 7a of the Law on Excise Tax "and" Accumulation of projects aimed at improving energy efficiency carried out by independent bodies and white certificates in the light of the provisions of the new law on energy efficiency." She frequently participates in numerous conferences, workshops and seminars related to the energy law.
