CBE Polska

IX Smart Communications & Technology Forum - power grid inventory

Smart Communications & Technology Forum - power grid inventory

As every year, we invite you to the international conference "Smart Communications & Technology Forum - power grid inventory" which will be held on February 27, 2020 in Warsaw.

The upcoming 9th edition focuses on the subject of inventory, passporting and energy network inspection. The main goal of the Forum is to gather electricity distributors and smart grid experts from many countries in order to exchange experiences on the latest achievements. The event is the largest meeting of specialists in this field in Poland.

In the program: Northern Ireland Electricity Networks (NIE Networks), PKP Energetyka S.A., Tauron Dystrybucja S.A., innogy Stoen Operator Sp. z o.o.


  • Paul Stapleton, Managing Director, Northern Ireland Electricity Networks (NIE Networks)
  • Patrycja Kałużyńska, Project Manager, Project Management Office, PKP Energetyka S.A.
  • Karolina Mosiężna, GIS Coordinator, Network Asset Management Division, innogy Stoen Operator Sp. z o.o.
  • Grzegorz Kopacz, Head of the Office of Innovation and New Technologies, Network Property Office, Tauron Dystrybucja S.A.
  • Tomasz Rodziewicz, Development Director, Network Property Office, Tauron Dystrybucja S.A.

Progressing a smart distribution system in a small peripheral region in Northern Ireland, implementation of the GIS System together with inventory and passporting of the distribution assets, inspection and imaging of power lines of all voltages – new technologies, digital transformation in data management of network assets, on the example of the development of Geographic Information System (GIS), energy network passporting and inventory - legal aspects in Polish and European context and accelerating the efficiency of power grid inspections using drones- are issues that will be discussed during the forum.

More details and program of the event is available under the link:https://cbepolska.pl/en/ix-smart-communications-and-technology-forum.html
