8:30 - 9:00 |
Check-in, welcoming and coffee |
GoO regulations Guarantees in Poland - acquisition and procedures |
9:00 - 10:00 |
Legal issues in the functioning of the GoO scheme
Overseeing, managing, and issuing Guarantees (on the local and European level)
Directive 2009/28/UE and its main points:
- Incentive behind introducing GoO
- What is GoO?
- Types of Guarantees
- "Expiration dates" of GoO
- International status of Guarantess
Directive from 25 October 2012, 2012/27/UE
- GoO and co-firing biomass
Speaker: Dr Zdzisław Muras |
10:00 -11:00 |
GoO and Polish law - the rules of system functions GoO in Polish energy law
- Certification and GoO
- Polish definition
- Some uses of GoO
- Organizations and offices in charge of Guarantees
- Issuing rules
- The rules of registration and trade
- GoO at the final recipient
Speaker: Dr Zdzisław Muras
11:00 - 11:30 |
Coffee break |
11:30 - 12:00 |
How to acquire GoO
- Reasons behind GoO and the difference from green certificates
- The who and why of Guarantee issuance
- Roles of the Polish Energy Regulatory Office (ERO)
- Organization and functioning the GoO registry
- Important features: the role of power source, fuel type, location, installation power, and date schedule
- The GoO "Life cycle" - issuing, transferring, and expiring
- Major procedures and documents of GoO
- The role of auditing
Speaker: Dr Zdzisław Muras |
12:00 - 13:00 |
The tasks and roles of the distribution system operator in the GoO scheme
- Responsibilities of the distributor
- New operator tasks due to implementation of new GoO laws
- Relationship between the operator and producer of energy; the responsibilities of each
- Data verification included in the GoO application
- Dates for application with PURE applications
- Process of confirming the volume of renewable energy produced
- GoO applications
Speaker: Dr Zdzisław Muras |
13:00 - 13:45 |
Lunch |
13:45 - 14:45 |
The Producer and GoO
- Who can use the GoO - types of receivers
- GoO application
- Relationship with the grid operator
- How not to lose Guarantee - schedule management
Speaker: Dr Zdzisław Muras |
Experience, trade and functioning of GoO Exchange |
14:45 - 15:30 |
Experience in GoO trading
- Using the Guarantee: who buys it and why?
- GoO and green certificates as the market stimuli
- Predictions for supply and demand
- The market in practice (structure, functioning, numbers and prospective trading countries)
- Price policy
- Polish potential - how much can be made on GoO?
Speaker: Broker Company Representative |
15:30 |
Summary and distribution of certificates confirming participation |