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Dear Sirs,
We invite you to participate in the 7th edition of the seminar "Prospects for the development of cogeneration and district cooling investments", which will take place on June 30, 2020. Due to the epidemiological situation and restrictions, the meeting will be implemented in on-line formula
- during the seminar you will see both the presentation and the speaker,
- you will receive all materials in pdf
- you will be able to ask questions directly through the built-in chat mechanism,
- before the seminar you will receive from us an email with instructions, including a link that will allow you to participate in the seminar,
- we open a "virtual conference room" about 30 minutes before the official start time. During this time we are at your disposal to check the connection etc.
- a computer with a stable internet connection,
- Internet browser - current version of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Edge or Opera (Internet Explorer is not suitable)
The event is organized in connection with the growing interest of the energy industry in issues related to cogeneration and production of district cooling. The use of cogeneration technology, network cooling and trigeneration installations in the energy sector brings numerous benefits: ncreasing the efficiency of using primary energy; limiting and reducing CO2 emissions, improving the economic efficiency of national heating systems and increasing electricity production during the summer peak of the power system load.
During the event, the possibilities of investing in all types of cogeneration and district cooling will be discussed. Polish and foreign representatives will share their experiences, analyze the profitability of construction and modernization of individual plants, taking into account, among others their size, location and selected technologies, and comment on the impact of support systems on the development of CHP and network cooling, as well as pay attention to how to read forecasts that estimate payback times.
We invite primarily representatives of:
- power plants, combined heat and power plants, heating plants
- energy-intensive industry
- enterprises considering the construction / modernization of generating capacity for their own needs
- sewage treatment plants
- non-industrial facilities with high demand for electricity and heat / cold
- potential investors, suppliers of products and technological solutions
- consulting companies and law firms
- industrial construction companies and project contractors
- banks financing energy investments
- government, local governments, industry chambers and associations
- Regulatory, economic and environmental aspects
- Potential and types of technology
- System efficiency
- Synergy of cooling and heating systems
- Examples of functioning implementations
- Investment financing