CBE Polska

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About CHP Plant
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We invite you to take part in a trip to Fortum's CHP Plant in Stockholm, on 28th-29th September 2017.

The trip to the Fortum's CHP plant in Stockholm will be a follow-up to the presentation by Anders Egelrud, President of the plant, during the 6th edition of the Forum of Biomass and Waste, held on March 9, 2017.

Forum of Biomass and Waste

Fortum Varme together with Stockholm City in the autumn of 2016 launched one of the largest and most modern biomass power plants with 130 MW of electricity capacity and 280 MW of heat capacity. CHP Vartan uses forest waste and wood waste to produce heat for nearly 200,000 households. The CHP plant produces 1,700 GJ of heat and 750 GWh of electricity per year. Daily chip consumption is about 12,000 cubic meters (1 million m³ per year). Thanks to the new power plant 90% of Fortum Värme's energy production is based on renewable energy sources. It reduces CO2 emissions in Stockholm by 126,000 tons per annum and 650,000 tons per year in the EU.

We invite to participate the representatives of:
  • Energy industry
  • The plants dealing with the economy, waste disposal, mech-biol processing, sewage treatment plant
  • Design and construction companies
  • Local government and state administration

For more information, please contact Barbara Boczek, Communication Specialist
Phone: +48 795 998 236, Email:
