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The first edition of the „Smart Communications & Technology” conference under honorable patronage of the Ministry of Infrastructure, MAE, KAPE S.A., UKE and the National Institute of Technology was held on 12th October 2011 in the Foksal Press Center in Warsaw. The Gold Sponsor of the event was Mikronika Company. The ABB Company participated as a Technological expert. The aims of forum were o discuss and analize the following issues: the possible use of smart technology in various enterprises and investment opportunities of multi branch cooperation between: power supply, IT, telecommunications and gas companies, heat producers and public services in relation to Poland’s energy supply security. Opportunities for experience exchange, cooperative use of infrastructure, realising and financing investments were discussed as well.
During the conference the opportunities and perspectives of smart technology implementation on Polish market were discussed by representatives of the following branches: gas companies, heat producers and public services companies. Prof. Waldemar Skomudek Ph.D, Eng. from The University of Opole took part as a Conference Moderator of blocks I and II. The first speaker was Mr. Michael Konieczko - representative of the ERO, who discussed the impact of implementation of smart metering on the formation of distribution tariffs, the role of President of the ERO, the potential development path of the power system and the requirements for equipment, infrastructure and the implementation process. As the second lecturer performed Mr. Wojciech Stawiany. He commented on the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management activity related to the priority program "Smart energy networks." Additionally, there was presented the current status of the project as well as the timetable for the further action. As the third appeared Prof. Waldemar Skomudek- the Moderator and one of the leading experts, and he shared his experience and knowledge with the participants. In a presentation entitled: "The prospect of financing smart grid in Poland," he stressed the need of changes in the energy policy and its verification. Furthermore, he discussed issues related to decapitalization of energy assets and the development of distributed power generation. After the lecture, Professor invited Mr. Janusz Kurpas (Vattenfall Distribution Poland SA), Mr. Maciej Skrzyniarz (Cylon Controls Ltd.) and Mr. Rafał Świstak (RWE Stoen Operator Sp. z o.o.)to a panel discussion. There were discussed such matters as : regulatory gaps and the need of removing regulatory barriers , the issue of security information administration ,an exchange of existing meters, and joining distributed sources to the network, with the possibility of surplus transfer to the system.
After the panel discussion there started case study presentations. The role of Moderator of Block III was taken over by Mr. Jacek Koźbiał representing the Mikronika company. Block III was opened by Mr. Maciej Skrzyniarz from Cylon Controls Ltd. He shared Irish experiences in the optimization of media consumption on the example of Active Energy Platform use by University of Dublin . Further examples and suggestions of technological solutions were proposed by the Moderator - Mr Jacek Koźbiał from Mikronika. The next speaker was Mr.Janusz Kurpas, who shared the experiences of the Vattenfall Distribution Poland SA regarding the smart grid. Another speaker - Mr. Robert Masiąg, discussed in detail the implementation process in practice ; he shared the experience of Energa Operator SA .
Mr. Stanislaw Nowak and Mr. Mariusz Jurczyk from Tauron Distribution SA prepared three presentations which were found extremely interesting by the participants. The gas sector was represented by Mr. Adam Jarek from the Karpacka Spółka Gazownictwa. He discussed both the legislation and technology in the form of conversion of gas flow and peak reading meters. The last speaker was Mr. Paweł Lech, representing Polkomtel SA company. As the only representative of telecommunications sector he presented the scale and proposed technology to be used. He discussed matters such as SLA, CDMA and M2M.
The conference was supported by a large group of media partners:, Elektroenergetyka,,, Radiownet,,,, Gramwzielone,,,,,, Zielonydziennik, Ecoportal,,, Ekosamorzą, Elektroonline, Pomiary_Automatyka_Robotyka, CzystaEnergia, Ecomanager, Qualitynews.