CBE Polska

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The capacity market is designed to provide medium-term and long-term security of electricity supply to end users in a cost-effective, non-discriminatory and sustainable manner.

The current single-source energy market does not provide sufficient investment signals for the construction or maintenance and upgrading of the required power. The system services used are insufficient to ensure security of supply in the medium to long term, and there are several causes for power limitations in the system. According to many experts, the power market is essential to counter the lack of power in the NPS by addressing the problem of missing revenue.

Actually, the law passed by the government determines the power market organization and the principles of providing standby power supply services to the system and delivery of this power to the system during periods of danger. The commodity on the market will be the net disposable power that can be offered by generators and controlled energy receivers (DSRs), receiving remuneration for its readiness to supply, and the obligation to provide it in periods of tight power balance (so-called danger periods), when the risk that there may be problems with satisfying peak demand for power.

Will the power market mechanism generate the expected investment signals? What is the risk of not ensuring enough power in the system before the power market starts and how much will it be reduced through auctions? How will the winter package affect the power market law and its notification process? For these and other questions we will try to answer at the Seminar "Capacity Market - Opportunities, Responsibilities, Strategies", which will take place on 21 November 2017 in Warsaw.

We invite to participate in the event:
  • power companies (manufacturing, transmission, distribution, marketing, R & D)
  • energy intensive industry
  • government and administration
  • consulting firms and law firms
  • entities financing energy investments
  • research institutions

We encourage you to take advantage of knowledge of our experts and the possibility of establishing new business contacts.
