CBE Polska

Meet experts on biogas microplants at the Energy Clusters - Market and Technology event

solarneDuring the Energy Cluster - Market and Technology seminar, you will be able to meet experts on biogas microplants, which can become a predictable source of renewable electricity in your energy cluster. SOLAR Naturalna Energia is in Poland the sole supplier and operator of microbiogas plants produced by the Belgian company BIOLECTRC NV, fed with a homogeneous, waste substrate originating from the following sectors:
  • agricultural (dairy cattle, pig and poultry farmers),
  • food processing,
  • small communal municipal wastewater treatment plants.
In Poland, 20 microbiological installations are already working or are in the start-up phase, and more are at the preparation stage. The range of power outputs of individual micro-biogas plants is in the range of 11/22/33/40 kWe. These installations are characterized by full automation of operating processes and stable, round-the-clock electricity production in the range of 80 to 340 MWhe per year, by one device. The full investment cycle up to the moment of commissioning does not exceed 3 months.More