CBE Polska

Tomasz Koprowiak, Energy Advisor at WFOŚiGW in Olsztyn will present during 4th edition of the seminar Energy Clusters - Market and Technology

Tomasz KoprowiakDuring his presentation, Tomasz Koprowiak will talk about the development of renewable energy in the Kisielice county and energy cluster plans based on previous investments. The second part of the presentation will be on the assumptions and possibilities of energy independence of counties, and cooperation of local government units with the DSO. In the third part, we will learn about the WFOŚiGW energy consultancy program. The speaker in the years 1990-2014 was the mayor of the county and the city of Kisielice. In 1998, he began the process of implementing renewable energy sources in the county. The first effects were visible in 2006, when 27 turbines, 1.5 MW each, were built. Today, 52 turbines operate on the territory of the Kisielice county, with a total capacity of 94.5 MW. In the years 2005-2012, he carried out an investment process consisting in the construction of a straw and heating boiler room with nodes, thanks to which 85 percent of the city uses low-emission heating. On his initiative, a biogas plant (with 1 MW of electricity and thermal energy) and a photovoltaic installation (with a capacity of 99.4 kW, supplying the boiler room) were implemented in the county. Currently, he is the plenipotentiary of the board, he works at the Provincial Fund for Environmental Protection in Olsztyn, in the energy consulting team. Energy Clusters - Market and Technology event will be held on June 14 in Warsaw, early bird registration is available until April 6. More