CBE Polska

A specialist in the cooperation of local government with DSO will speak during the event on Energy Clusters

Marek SikoraMarek Sikora, an independent expert working in one of the Polish DSOs, will speak in the discussion panel on the subject of smart energy management and the role of distribution system operators in energy clusters during the fourth edition of "Energy Clusters - Market and Technology", 14 June. Marek Sikora is a graduate of the Lodz University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Electronics and postgraduate studies "Electricity Markets". Expert in the energy industry with several years of professional experience, which he gained in energy companies and at the Distribution System Operator. Professionally involved in distributed energy, problems of balancing the power system and concepts of civic energy, including the concept of energy clusters. Author and co-author of studies, concepts, projects on the use of Renewable Energy Sources in construction, in the operation of enterprises and local government units - including the Smart City concept. We invite you to register for the event before April 6 in order to obtain a promotional participation price. More information at the link: http://cbepolska.pl/en/energy-clusters.html