On 23th march 2011, in Warsaw we organized training "Consequences of amendments relating to the support systems for cogeneration" on 23th march 2011 in Warsaw. Factually supported us Mr Marek Marcisz and Mr. Adam Szymała from TÜV SÜD Polska sp. z o.o. and Dr. Zdzislaw Muras, at that time Director of the Energy Business Department in Energy Regulatory Office (URE). The event was attended by representatives of companies from the following industries: energy, heat and gas. Participants then discussed primarily about the effects of proposed changes for specific types of cogeneration units and requirements for the measurement of energy and the coefficient of C for different types of cogeneration units, as well as the determination of equivalent fuel... |
On 1st December 2011, we met once again with representatives of the energy sector to talk about the problematic aspects of the acquisition and redemption of certificates of energy, in particular, brown and purple. Lectures were conducted by Dr. Zdzislaw Muras, at that time Director of the Energy Business Department in Energy Regulatory Office (URE). Throughout the day, we debated about new opportunities and responsibilities facing energy producers and distributors, as well as the following cost factors affecting the price of electricity. We would like to remind you that purple certificates issued from March 2010 are certificates of origin of electricity produced from high efficiency cogeneration of mine methane and biogas from biomass. Brown certificates come in force since the beginning of 2012 and could be received by manufacturers of biogas, which was injected into the gas distribution network. |
On 14th December 2011, in Warsaw Marriott hotel we prepared a Seminar "Development prospects of cogeneration". The representatives of the energy gas and heating industry, discussed the possibilities and prospects of cogeneration investments development on the Polish market. The event was covered by the Honorary Patronage of the Association of Independent Producers Combined Heat and Power (Snwes). Law partner was Law firm Gide Loyrette Nouel, and as a substantive expert was the Bank of Environmental Protection (BOŚ) and TÜV Rheinland Polska. |
On 30th may 2012 at the PGNiG Gas Industry Centre for Training we organized a workshop "Prospects for the functioning and development of cogeneration". Representatives of the energy and gas industry discussed the proposed legislation, problems in settling the obligations redemption of certificates of origin, as well as purely technical matters. During the meeting we discussed the changes in the market and the experience gained with existing support scheme and the predicted effects of the proposed changes for specific types of cogeneration units. In addition, we anlyzed the new at that time project of new directive issued on 23 June 2011 and conncerning CHP and the guarantees of origin, tariffs, duties, connecting to the network. We also looked at the practical aspects of the use of the support systems for cogeneration in relation to the use of heat or cold utility. |
On 23rd January 2013, we had the 1st in Poland specialized training devoted to orange certificates. Event title was "Orange certificates and new rules of supporting cogeneration", which was led entirely by Dr. Zdzislaw Muras, a longtime employee of the Energy Regulatory Office (URE). The orange certificate isystem is primarily designed to achieve in Poland 22% share of CHP in electricity generation by 2030, its goal was to support both existing generating units, as well as stimulating a significant development and growth of new capacity. |
In connection with the amendments to the Energy Law dated on 24th January 2014, which relate to the supporting system for units producing combined heat and power, CBE Poland team organized the specialist workshops: "The new rules of supporting cogeneration. Recent regulations". The event took place on 27th February 2014 in Marriott Hotel in Warsaw, and was led by Dr. Zdzislaw Muras. The workshop was attended by over 50 experts. The meeting covered both: the changes that will introduce an amendment to UPE and the nuances arising from the so-called small three-pack of energy and awaited by the industry of the Law on renewable energy sources, as well as other other national and European legislation related to cogeneration. Dr. Muraz discussed in detail include rules for market entry issues relating to concessions, registration, measurement and the possibility of accumulation of colored support, as well as the responsibilities and systems of penalties. During the workshopthe company ELTECO POLAND Sp. z o.o. was presented by Krzysztof Misiak, Technical Director and Member of the Board ELTECO who disribed the investments made by the company and presented a wide range offer, which includes in particular the comprehensive power systems in the "turnkey" formula.
W dniach 21-22 sierpnia 2014 zorganizowaliśmy drugą edycję Seminarium "Czynniki rozwoju inwestycji kogeneracyjnych". Parterami strategicznymi Seminarium byli: PGNiG Termika, Wärtsilä, Turboden, AIG, Vecoplan, Opra Turbines oraz Accreo. W charakterze wystawców na wydarzeniu zaprezentowały się firmy: SOKRATHERM i BMH Technology. Honorowy Patronat nad Seminarium objęli Stowarzyszenie Niezależnych Wytwórców Energii Skojarzonej oraz The World Alliance for Decentralized Energy.
Ponadto podczas wydarzenia wystąpili przedstawiciele Ministerstwa Gospodarki, Narodowego Funduszu Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej, Fortum Power and Heat Polska Sp. z o.o., Dalkii Łódź SA (obecnie Veolia Łódź SA), Regionalnego Centrum Gospodarki Wodno-Ściekowej S.A. w Tychach oraz INSTAL-FILTER S.A. Symultaniczne tłumaczenie wydarzenia zapewnia firma Bireta. |
Po zakończeniu się wykładowo-wystawienniczej części Seminarium wraz z naszymi gośćmi wybraliśmy się na zwiedzanie Elektrociepłowni Siekierki. |