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The European Commission plays an active role in developing the EU's overall strategy and in designing and implementing EU policies. It evaluates and reports on its policies on a regular basis. |
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The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) is an intergovernmental organisation that supports countries in their transition to a sustainable energy future, and serves as the principal platform for international cooperation, a centre of excellence, and a repository of policy, technology, resource and financial knowledge on renewable energy. IRENA promotes the widespread adoption and sustainable use of all forms of renewable energy, including bioenergy, geothermal, hydropower, ocean, solar and wind energy in the pursuit of sustainable development, energy access, energy security and low-carbon economic growth and prosperity. |
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Neste is the world’s largest producer of renewable diesel and renewable jet fuel refined from waste and residues, introducing renewable solutions also to the polymers and chemicals industries. We are also a technologically advanced refiner of high-quality oil products, exploring ways to start using waste plastics as a raw material to produce new plastics. In 2019, Neste’s revenue stood at EUR 15.8 billion. In 2020, Neste placed 3rd on the Global 100 list of the most sustainable companies in the world. |
What began in 1945 as a one-man operation now sets technological standards in the fields of welding technology, photovoltaics and "green" hydrogen production. Today, the company has around 5,440 employees worldwide and 1,264 patents for product development show the innovative spirit within the company. Since almost 20 years we are developing hydrogen expertise starting with the research and development of existing electrolyzer up to where we are now: production of our innovative and award winning SOLHUB solution. Sustainable development means for us to implement environmentally relevant and social aspects equally with economic factors. Our goal has remained constant throughout: to be the innovation leader. Further information about all Fronius products and our global sales partners and representatives can be found at |
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The National Center for Research and Development is an executive agency of the Minister of Science and Higher Education. It was established in the summer of 2007 as a unit implementing tasks in the field of science, technology and state innovation policy. At the beginning, it was the first unit of this type, created as a platform for effective dialogue between the science and business environment. |
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Ways2H is committed to helping improve the global environment by eliminating waste while producing hydrogen. We strive to provide clean forms of energy or fuels, and introduce technologies that have a positive impact in creating a cleaner environment globally. |
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KPMG member firms operate in 147 countries, collectively employing more than 219,000 people, serving the needs of business, governments, public-sector agencies, not-for-profits and through member firms' audit and assurance practices, the capital markets. KPMG is committed to quality and service excellence in all that we do, bringing our best to clients and earning the public's trust through our actions and behaviours both professionally and personally. |
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Institute for Renewable Energy (IEO) was established in 2001. It’s an independent research group, and the first private research institute in Poland with a deep knowledge of the renewable energy issues: wind energy, solar energy, biogas, biomass, ranging from politics energy and law, (developed assumptions for the green certificate system and auction system), price forecasts and electricity tariffs, PPAs, economic and financial analysis, and ending with the technical issues and design. IEO also has an extensive experience in participating as an advisor (due-diligence, assumptions and concepts of technical solutions, functionality and utility programs, feasibility studies, business plans, terms of reference for a tender, supervision and construction monitoring) in the investment processes in the area of renewable energy implemented by the company and local governments. IEO actively participates and analysis the results of two first renewable energy auctions in Poland in 2016 and 2017. IEO since 2009, conducts trainings and conferences in the field of technology, market economics and the law of renewable energy sources for national energy companies (eg. PGE, PKP Power Engineering), municipalities, financial companies (Alior Bank BGZ, mBank, ZBP) and foreign institutions (chambers of commerce in Germany and France, energy companies). In addition, as part of its work, the IEO completed a number of expert opinions commissioned by the Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Regional Development and other governmental and commercial projects for business customers. |
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The Polish Organization of Petroleum Industry and Trade (POPiHN) was established in 1995 and conducts activities based on the Act on employers' organizations of May 23, 1991 (Journal of Laws 55, item 235). Its main task is to create a platform for cooperation between fuel concerns operating on the Polish market. Currently, the following companies are members of POPiHN: Amic Polska, ANWIM SA (owner of the MOYA gas station network), BP, Circle K Polska, Fuchs Oil, Lotos Group, PERN, PKN Orlen, Shell, Slovnaft, Tanquid, Total. The principles of its operation are set out in the Statute and the Code of Ethics adopted in 1998. The Polish Organization of Petroleum Industry and Trade is an association representing the interests of member oil companies operating on the Polish market, it is open to all companies in the oil sector that accept its objectives and statute, regardless of the origin of the initial capital. One of the most important goals of POPiHN is the sustainable creation and shaping of a competitive fuel market in Poland, among others, through activities aimed at introducing rules of conducting business activity in line with European Union law and equal rights for all participants of the Polish fuel market. POPiHN also focuses on coordinating cooperation between member companies for the highest quality products and services, aiming at creating a positive image among Polish public opinion of companies operating in the oil industry by coordinating and supporting all activities in the area of responsible business. Her interests also include all initiatives aimed at reducing the gray fuel zone in Poland. |
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National Energy Conservation Agency (NAPE) was established in 1994 with an aim of popularizing efficient and rational energy usage, above all in the building sector, and the principles of sustainable development. We specialize in energy consulting, energy auditing and certification of buildings. NAPE is one of the few companies in Poland that elaborate energy performance certificates for complex buildings equipped with advanced technical systems and for public buildings. We train energy auditors, publish textbooks and spreadsheets for the preparation of audits, and issue educational brochures. NAPE participates in projects co-financed by the European Commission concerned with energy efficiency of buildings, financing modernization of buildings, renewable energy sources implementation, polygeneration, promotion of energy saving, integrated design, and innovative HVAC technologies. We prepare applications for subsidies from the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, European Funds, thermomodernization bonuses from the bank. NAPE is also a verifying consultant for the Polish Sustainable Energy Financing Facility PolSEFF. We also verify projects financed by the European Investment Bank. |
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Union of Producers and Employers of the Biogas Industry (UPEBI) was founded on 26th June 2012. The organization was founded to integrate industry biogas in Poland and to work together for the economy of biogas in Poland. UPEBI motto is TOGETHER FOR BIOGAS and that is why every day they fight for a better tomorrow for all the biogas industry and make every effort to ensure that legislation and other rules and regulations are for their industry friendly. |
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Oil And Gas Institute - National Research Institute has been working for over 70 years for sustainable management of hydrocarbon raw materials and fuels as well as Poland's energy security. It conducts works related to crude oil and natural gas, from exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbon deposits, through storage, transport, distribution and use of natural gas, crude oil and petroleum products, to development and improvement of liquid fuel production technology. It carries out works in the field of, among others, assessment of prospects for exploration of crude oil and natural gas, technological assessment of crude oil, quality control of petroleum products, biocomponents and environmental protection. INIG - PIB is the organizer and operator of the only Polish certification system for the sustainable production of biofuels and bioliquids, the KZR INiG System. The system was approved by the European Commission in relation to demonstrating compliance with the sustainability criteria, in accordance with the Directives of the European Parliament and of the Council 98/70 / EC and Directive 2009/28 / EC. The purpose of the System is to ensure that the production of biofuels and bioliquids is carried out with respect for the natural environment, in particular, it does not cause excessive land exploitation, and biofuels show a high reduction of life cycle greenhouse gas emissions relative to the fossil equivalent. Certification covers all entities in the biofuels and bioliquids supply chain, from the agricultural producer, waste site, through biomass processors, trading companies, to suppliers of final products on the market. Because the scope of the KZR INiG System is global, certification can be extended to any entity, irrespective of where they operate, also from countries outside the European Union. |
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Young Leaders in Energy Our strategic goals
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National Chamber of Biofuels (KIB) is actually the biggest trade organization associating companies producing biofuels in Poland. Mainly, our members are directly connected with ethanol, biodiesel and biogas production. In accordance with the provisions of the statute, Chamber is dealing with both issues related to the promotion of the use of renewable fuels in transport as well as on encouraging farmers to produce crops for energy purposes. Our organization’s activities are concentrated also on widely understood rural development, “green diversification” of energy sources in power and heating sector and increasing the competitiveness of our members by direct support, lobbying actions and improving professional skills. |
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ITS began operating in 1952 under the Decree of the Minister of Road Transport and Aviation of 25 September 1951, on establishing the Motor Transport Institute. The area of activity of the Institute is the entire country. The research problems dealt with by the Institute over the past more than 65 years, have been undergoing constant changes. These changes were a result of the demand of the national economy and the road transport as well as the technical and organizational progress, both in the economy and transport. |