CBE Polska

Jan Guenther, Innogy SE, is one of the Guest Speakers at the 7th edition of "VII Smart Communication and Technology Forum" - 8th June 2017, Warsaw, Poland

innogyseWe are pleased to inform that Jan Guenther, Department of Grid Development Strategy, Innogy SE will join us in June 2017 for the 7th edition of the international conference "Smart Communication and Technology Forum". Innogy SE is Germany’s leading energy company, with more than 40,000 employees and activities in 16 countries across Europe. With its three business segments Grid & Infrastructure, Retail and Renewables, Innogy is set to address the requirements of a modern, decarbonised, decentralised and digital energy world. Its activities focus on its 23 million customers. The key markets are Germany, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Belgium, as well as several countries in Central Eastern and South Eastern Europe, especially the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland. In renewable power generation, the company is also active in regions like Spain, Italy and the MENA region (Middle East, North Africa), with a total capacity of 3.7 gigawatts. Innogy is also a distribution system operator in Germany. Throughout Europe, their network has a total length of 574,000 kilometres, they have distribution grids in five countries, four-fifths of them comprising power lines and one-fifth gas lines. They are involved in developing efficient and intelligent metering and control systems (smart grids) to make European grids more effective and flexible. More...

ENCS engaged in the 7th edition of the international conference "Smart Communication and Technology Forum", 8th June 2017, Warsaw, Poland

encsENCS (European Network for Cyber Security) is a non-profit organization that brings together critical infrastructure stakeholders and security experts to deploy secure European critical energy grids and infrastructure. Founded in 2012, ENCS has dedicated researchers and test specialists who work with members and partners on applied research, defining technical security requirements, component and end-to-end testing, as well as education & training. ENCS uses its network to unite academic and scientific institutions, government officials and business representatives in providing cyber security solutions and strategic counsel dedicated to the needs of national Distribution System Operators (DSO) and energy regulators. More

Bierzemy udział w posiedzeniu Parlamentarnego Zespołu Górnictwa i Energii na temat innowacji w klastrach


Zespół CBE Polska uczestniczył dziś w posiedzeniu Parlamentarnego Zespołu Górnictwa i Energii pod przewodnictwem Posła Ireneusza Zyski. Głównym tematem spotkania były innowacje w klastrach energii. Referaty wygłaszali Krzysztof Wojdyło i Jacek Czarnecki z kancelarii Wardyński i Wspólnicy, Barbara Adamska z ADM Poland, Daniel Fryc i Albert Gryszczuk koordynujący Zgorzelecki Klaster Rozwoju Odnawialnych Źródeł Energii i Efektywności Energetycznej. W spotkaniu aktywnie uczestniczył Minister Andrzej Piotrowski. Naszą firmę reprezentowali Paweł Krawczyk i Kamil Szkup.

Energię z biomasy należy wytwarzać w kogeneracji, bo marnowanie potencjału ciepła jest marnowaniem zasobów - relacja z VI Forum of Biomass & Waste

Zdaniem ekspertów prywatni inwestorzy są barometrem dla opłacalności technologii, a głównie z politycznych powodów nie udaje się realizować niektórych projektów biomasowych - stwierdził dr Giuliano Grassi, Sekretarz Generalny European Biomass Industry Association (EUBIA) podczas wykładu inaugurującego VI edycję Forum of Biomass & Waste, która odbyła się w dniach 9-10 marca 2017 r. w KrakowieObszerny artykuł relacjonujący spotkanie znajduje się pod tym linkiem

Florian Reinke, 50Hertz Transmission, is one of the speakers at the 7th edition of "Smart Communication and Technology Forum", 8th June 2017, Warsaw, Poland

50hertzWe are pleased to inform that Florian Reinke, Senior Analyst, Energy Market Development, 50Hertz Transmission will join us in June 2017 for the 7th edition of the international conference "Smart Communication and Technology Forum". 50Hertz Transmission operates the transmission grid in the northern and eastern part of Germany. This electricity grid is one of the most recent in Europe and it is directly connected to neighbor countries such as Poland, Czech Republic and Denmark. 50Hertz coordinates the interaction of all players of the electricity market in the federal states of Berlin, Brandenburg, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia. 50Hertz is responsible for the operation, maintenance, planning, and expansion of the transmission grid throughout the northern and eastern part of Germany, supplying power to over 18 million people every day. More

Dr Robert Denda, ENEL will discuss the process of digitalization of European distribution grids at the VII Smart Communication and Technology Forum - 8th June 2017, Warsaw

Enel noweWe are pleased to announce that dr Robert Denda, Head of Global Network Technology, ENEL, will take part in the upcoming international conference "VII Smart Communication and Technology Forum", 8th June 2017, Warsaw, Poland. Globally the group ENEL, through its subsidiaries, covers the production, distribution and resale of electricity and gas in the Iberian Peninsula, Latin America and Morocco, as well as, the production of electricity from renewable sources worldwide (North America, South America, Africa, Europe and Asia) through Enel Green Power. ENEL operates in Europe: Bulgaria, France, Greece, Italy, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Spain and Portugal, in North America: Canada and United States, and in Latin America: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama and Peru. More

Senat wprowadził poprawki do ustawy o monitorowaniu przewozu towarów

Senat opowiedział się w dziś, za kilkoma poprawkami wglądem procedowanej obecnie ustawy o monitorowaniu drogowego przewozu towarów. Obecnie ustawa trafiła ponownie do Sejmu. Co ważne, Senatorowie odrzucili zarazem poprawki opozycji, np. opóźniające wejście w życie ustawy, zwiększające limity paliwa, podlegające zgłoszeniu i zmniejszające kary dla przewoźników. Najbliższe organizowane przez nas spotkanie w kwestii nowych przepisów odbędzie się już 16 marca w Warszawie. To już 3 z kolei spotkanie z branżą paliw płynnych. Zapraszamy!

We had concluded the 2nd Seminar on Virtual Power Plants, and Renewable Energy Communities / Cooperatives in Częstochowa

Vpp2 kolaz

On the February 28th, the 2nd edition of the Seminar "Virtual Power Plants, Energy Storage Systems, Renewable Energy Cooperatives" took place addressing the prospects for the development of new forms of renewable energy cooperatives and ways of balancing the Renewable Energy Sources like virtual power plants, advanced energy storage systems. Over 120 experts from Poland and Europe attended the event. In organizing this event nearly 50 companies, institutions and organizations cooperated with us, including a number of honorary patrons, business organizations and representatives of the energy market. The Czestochowa University of Technology, Faculty of Electric Engineering was the Co-organizer of the event. Strategic partners were: BTC Business Technology Consulting, EMU, DNV GL Energy, PSI Poland, and the event's a Legal Partner was the Law Firm Polowiec and Partners. Among industry suppliers there were WAGO ELWAG, Connect Point, SAP POLAND and Lenovo. Networking partner of the event was the company OSIsoft, who invited all the participants and guests to the gala dinner after the conference. One of the crucial elements of the event was the demonstration of a fully functioning VPP infrastructure at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czestochowa University of Technology. This installation includes: energy sources and energy storage systems and software infrastructure created to monitor and manage crucial data in real time. We would like to thank everyone for cooperation and attendance! More

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