CBE Polska

Ministerstwo Energii RP Patronem Honorowym Seminarium o Spółdzielniach/Klastrach Energii, Wirtualnych Elektrowniach, Magazynach Energii

Maciej KapalskiMinisterstwo EnergiiMinisterstwo Energii RP potwierdziło swoje zaangażowanie w II edycję Seminarium "Wirtualne Elektrownie, Magazyny Energii, Spółdzielnie Energetyczne". Seminarium został objęta honorowym patronatem Ministra Energii Pana Krzysztofa Tchórzewskiego, a w trakcie wydarzenia wypowie się Pan Maciej Kapalski, Główny Specjalista w Departamencie Energii Odnawialnej. Warto wspomnieć, że Ministerstwo Energii przy współpracy z Narodowym Funduszem Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej będzie aktywnie wspierać powstawanie pierwszych, pilotażowych klastrów energii w 2017 r. Więcej...

CBE Polska is participating in internal meeting of the Parliamentary Group for Mining and Energy

Parlamentarne Spotkanie 01
The first 2017 internal meeting of the Parliamentary Group for Mining and Energy chaired by Ireneusz Zyska just started. The main subject of the meeting is the so called winter package of the European Commission. The meeting is attended by President of the Energy Regulatory Office, the Vice Minister of Environment and Vice President of the Polish Power Grid Company. Committee chairman invited CBE Polska to participate in the meeting. The company CBE Poland is represented by Maria Przekopowska, Managing Director and Paweł Krawczyk.

BMH Technology for the sixth time involved in the VI Forum of Biomass & Waste

Kamil OstapskiBMH TechnologyWe are pleased to announce that the company BMH Technology re-joined the sponsors of VI Forum of Biomass & Waste. Kamil Ostapski - Sales Manager of Polish branch of the company will be moderating a panel discussion about the investment environment for biomass / waste on the Polish market. The panel is attended by representatives of: Tauron Heat sp. O.o., agricultural biogas plant in Konopnica, PGE Polish Energy Group SA, Mardom Pro sp. O.o., IKEA Industry Poland Sp. o.o. It is worth mentioning that the BMH Technology is the market leader in technology, unloading, storage and transportation of biomass and alternative fuels, as well as in services relating to the treatment of fuels for the energy sector, cement and municipal. During the event the company will be present at the exhibition stand among industry suppliers. More

Law Firm Domański Zakrzewski Palinka involves in the 6th Forum of Biomass and Waste

Daniel Chojnackidzp enWe are pleased to announce that the exclusive title of Law Partner during the sixth edition of the international "Forum of Biomass and Waste", which will take place on 9-10 March 2017 in Krakow has Domanski Zakrzewski Palinka. During the Forum, Daniel Chojnacki, Counsel of Practice Infrastructure and Energy will participate as Moderator of the discussion panel concerning the regulations in the sector. It is worth mentioning that the Infrastructure and Energy Practice DZP is the largest team of legal experts in the field of infrastructure and energy. Within the framework of working groups dedicated to individual sectors and specializations law, eg. Procurement Team, Environment Team, Waste Management Team. Both the experts and the office every year are at the top of the ranking of the largest law firms according to the Polish Rzeczpospolita Journal, and are recommended for positioning international specialist publications: Legal 500, Chambers & Partners, IFLR1000 and WTR 1000.Daniel Chojnacki, Counsel, Practice of Infrastructure and Energy during the Forum will participate as Moderator of the discussion panel of state administration. More

Ostatnie miejsca na szkolenie o nowej ustawie o efektywności energetycznej z dr Zdzisławem Murasem

efe13 26.012.2016

Szanowni Państwo,

informujemy iż pozostały ostatnie miejsca na najbliższe szkolenie traktujące o nowej ustawie o efektywności energetycznej i białych certyfikatach, które odbędzie się już w dniu 26 stycznia 2017 roku w Warszawie. Wszystkie osoby zainteresowane uczestnictwem prosimy o przesłanie formularzy zgłoszeniowych lub rezerwację miejsca pod nr tel. +48 22 82 77 123.

NFOŚiGW: about the support for the RES sector under the program POIiŚ 2014-2020

Artur MichalskinfosWe would like to inform about the involvement of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in the 2nd edition of the Seminar "Virtual Power Plants, Energy Storage Systems, Renewable Energy Cooperatives". Artur Michalski, Deputy Chairman of NFOŚiGW, head of the Department of Foreign Resources and the Department of Energy and Innovation will join our esteemed group of Speakers during the Seminar. It is worth mentioning that both the Ministry of Energy and the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management will actively support the formation of the first, pilot RES cluster / cooperatives projects - financial support for such initiaitves had been announced on 16 December 2016, as part of the POIiŚ 2014-2020 programme. More

VI Forum of Biomass & Waste under the patronage the Ministry of the Environment

Ministerstwo srodowiskaWe are pleased to announce that once again the Forum of Biomass and Waste was held under the honorary patronage of the Ministry of the Environment. The upcoming, 6th edition will be held on 9-10 March 2017 in Cracow. We remind that the Ministry of the Environment submitted a proposal for a regulation concerning the definition of energy wood in November 2016. More

Energy storage systems as a perfect complementation for new forms of RES enterprises - clusters / renewable energy cooperatives

ease European Association for Storage of Energy (EASE) joined the institutions supporting the 2nd edition of the Seminar "Virtual Power Plants, Energy Storage, Renewable Energy Cooperatives". EASE actively promotes the use of energy storage systems as an indispensable instrument of the European energy and climate policy, all in order to improve the flexibility of European energy grids. One of the priorities of the association is striving to build a European platform for sharing and distribution of information related to energy storage technologies, and thus support the transition towards a sustainable, flexible and stable energy systems in Europe. More

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