CBE Polska

Dilemmas of the Polish "waste to energy" sector related to new planned support system for RES

Polish Local governments, in their financial estimates for the already implemented waste incineration projects, they certainly assumed price of electricity from waste incineration plants taking into account the support for RES. There is a risk that the planned support system might compromise the earlier calculations. Regulations concerning the classification electricity produced from waste incineration as 42% RES - it raises doubts.
  • What are the doubts related to investments WTE for the sector?
  • How to shape the regulatory environment related to waste management, production of alternative fuels and conditioning its to produce energy?
  • Which funding opportunities and models of collaboration - between local governments and the municipal sector and potential investors - will prove to be the most effective?
Experts cooperating with us will try to answer these and other questions during the 2nd edition of the international seminar "Energy from waste. Investments, fuels, technologies", which will be held March 25th at the Warsaw Marriott Hotel. More...