CBE Polska

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Dear Sirs,

All entities that produce or use alternative fuels, waste and biomass in the production processes are obliged to the current authentication and examination of their quality. The diverse of fuel consumers requirements force to carry out various tests to determine the specific parameters characterizing the quality. In view of the above, we present you the 4th edition of workshop: "Sampling and testing quality of alternative fuel, waste and biomass" which will be held on 13 April 2016 in Warsaw, as a side event to 5th edition of the Forum of Biomass on Waste.

Like in previous editions, the workshop has been prepared in close cooperation with Solid Fuels Quality Assessments Department in Central Mining Institute (GIG), which is a certified unit and companies: leading Law firm - Domański Zakrzewski Palinka, Testchem, Bluesoft, ICiMB, J.S. Hamilton and J.S. Hamilton Consulting

The workshop speakers are:
  • Dr Leokadia Róg, Head of Solid Fuels Quality Assessments Department, Central Mining Institute (GIG), Poland
  • Agnieszka Łoniewska, Associate, Infrastructure and Energy Practice, Law Firm Domański Zakrzewski Palinka, Poland
  • Bartłomiej Poślednik, Technical & Sales Director, Testchem, Poland
  • Andrzej Błachowicz, Technical Director, Bluesoft, Poland
  • Ph.D. Patryk Weisser, Research and Development Director Representative, Head of the Laboratory of Innovative Materials and Environmental Monitoring ICiMB, Poland
  • MSc. Aleksandra Majka, Audits and Implementations Specialist in J.S. Hamilton Consulting
best regards,
CBE Polska Team
