CBE Polska

The National Center for Agricultural Support will give a lecture during the seminar "Biofuel-law, market, trends"

Marzena SkapskakowrWe are pleased to announce that Marzena Skąpska, Deputy Director of the Department of Innovation at the National Support Center for Agriculture, will give a lecture "Biocomponents domestic market in the light of sustainability criteria" during seminar "Biofuels - law, market, trends". Director Skąpska is a long-time employee of the National Center for Agricultural Support, previously the Agricultural Market Agency. He deals, among others issues related to renewable energy sources that are within the competence of National Center for Agricultural Support. More

Bezpłatne spotkania dotyczące klastrów energii i wykorzystania paliw alternatywnych w energetyce


Zapraszamy nieodpłatne spotkania dedykowane wyłącznie przedsiębiorcom z sektora energetycznego Województwa Śląskiego. Spotkania realizujemy na zlecenie i przy współpracy z Agencją Rozwoju Regionalnego w Częstochowie. Odbędą się w siedzibie Centrum Transferu Technologii Częstochowskiego Parku Przemysłowo-Technologicznego. Serdecznie zapraszamy.

Polowiec i Wspólnicy Law Firm became a Legal Partner of the seminar "Biofuels-law, market, trends"

PolowiecWe are pleased to announce that the law firm Polowiec i Wspólnicy became the Legal Partner of our seminar "Biofuels-law, market, trends", which will be held on October 3, 2018 in Warsaw. Beata Superson - Polowiec, Partner, will moderate the discussion panel. Jakub Gil, Lawyer, will give a lecture about current regulations for the biofuel industry. The Law Firm provides legal assistance through comprehensive services to a wide range of entities - both entrepreneurs, public sector entities and non-profit organizations. In addition to the headquarters in Krakow, the office also has an office in Gliwice, the need to open which was caused by the acquisition of numerous clients from the Upper and Lower Silesia region. More

World Bioenergy Association involved in our biofuel seminar

worldbioenergyBharadwaj Kummamuru, Executive Director at World Bioenergy Association will give an introductory presentation during the seminar "Biofuels - law, market, trends". The speaker will discuss the global development of the bioenergy sector and biofuels, focusing on data, technology and law. The World Bioenergy Association (WBA) is a global organization dedicated to supporting and representing a wide range of entities operating in the bioenergy sector. In addition to the daily activities of the organization, Bharadwaj deals with various projects related to verification of sustainable development, biofuel working groups, etc. He is also the author and co-author of bioenergy publications, including the chapter on bioenergetics for World Energy Resources, Global Bioenergy Statistical Report, Global reports on REN21 status, etc. He graduated in master's in the field of sustainable energy systems and has experience in chemical engineering. His area of expertise includes life cycle analysis, liquid biofuels and bioenergy statistics. More

Nasze biuro jest zamknięte do poniedziłaku 20.08.2018 roku

Szanowni Państwo, informujemy że w dniach 15 - 19.08.2018 roku nasze biuro jest nieczynne. Na wiadomości odpowiemy po powrocie. CBE POLSKA

Lista na zwiedzanie CCGT w PKN Orlen została zamknięta

Szanowni Państwo,

informujemy że lista uczestników na zwiedzanie nowo otwartego bloku gazowo-parowego w PKN Orlen została zamknięta. Zwiedzanie jest elementem VI Seminarium "Czynniki rozwoju inwestycji kogeneracyjnych", które odbywa się w dniach  dniu 27-28 sierpnia 2018 roku w Płocku. Obecnie prowadzimy rejestrację tylko na część wykładową w dniu 27.08.2018 roku.

Our Seminar abot biofuels will be held on October in Warsaw

Seminar Biofuels - Law, Market and Trends
Dear Sirs,
We invite you participate in international seminar "Biofuels - Law, Market and Trends", which will be held on October 3, 2018 in Warsaw. The main purpose of the event is to exchange experiences of Polish and foreign experts related to the biofuels industry. Speakers will discuss the most important issues such as: REDII directive, official controls in the supply chain, implementation of the National Index Target, emission fee, mandatory bioblending, etc. The seminar will become a platform for knowledge exchange for the industry, which may contribute to the development of innovation and innovative projects. In the first part of the seminar we will focus on the regulatory environment of the industry. In the second part of the day, the speakers will present case studies on the production of biocomponents, the use of biofuels in transport and biofuel quality testing. More

Piotr Góralczyk, the founder of Unified Api, will give a presentation during the Blockchain in Energy event

Piotr GoralczykThe seminar Blockchain in Energy will take place on August 29 in Warsaw. The subject of Piotr Góralczyk's presentation will be the automation of transaction processes for consumers and distribution network operators.
The topic of the presentation is an IT system based on blockchain for electric vehicle chargers, which enables, among others, infrastructure management, unified API communication, interoperability, billing and payment handling. In connection with legislative changes and subsequent stages of technology development, the speaker will talk about operating a microgrids and implementation of Vehicle to Grid technology. The speaker bases his presentation on the cooperation with the key participants of the energy market and electromobility such as leading energy companies, owners of parking lots, charging station operators and manufacturers, and will talk about practical aspects of the use of technology, including blockchain. More

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